Chapter 14

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"Wow (Y/N), you know your stuff..."
"Well, I went through a private detective program for lets see... four years?"
He chuckled and slightly poked my forehead.
"You sure that reading minds isnt your real quirk?"
"Toshinori, you've seen my quirk a crapton of times. You should know every detail of it by now."
"Im just joking around (Y/N)~"
I heard a honk and I propped myself up. I had managed to hurt my knees pretty bad sliding on the grass, so I waved to get their attention. Izuku almost jumped out of the car, running to us as fast as he could.
"Sorry we werent here sooner!! Mom had to get her  bigger first aid kit."
Inko stepped out of the car carrying a red and white metal box.
"Are you two okay??"
I nudged Toshinori and winked.
"Well, I think this one needs more help than I do."
She came rushing over and checked him out. He was looking at me most of the time, or had his eyes closed. Inko looked a little pale when she saw him, but calmed down while she checked him out. She took out all the splinters and rock fragments from his face and arms, but she refrained from checking anything around his chest lower than his shoulders, and she put bandages around him.
"Well, that should do it.. But you need to get some sleep, you look absolutely exhausted!"
"I will make sure to do that- thank you very much Ms.Midoria."
He slightly smiled at her, and her face was dusted with pink. I chucked for a moment, she had no idea who she was dealing with.
"Inko, we cant thank you enough."
"O-oh its no problem at all!! Is there anything that is bothering you??"
"Ah, I just scraped up me knees when I slid- thats all."
She looked at me, up and down- then started at work. She bandaged my knees, my elbows, and put a patch over a bruise on my forehead.
"You shouldnt be running, your body isnt ready for that- your still in shock from the house, it stays for quite a while."
"Thats probably why I tensed up so much... Shit- she's probably going to lay into me when we get home..."
"Oh, I didnt know that, thanks for telling me!! Your the best Inko!"
She smiled before asking Izuku to help Toshinori up. Of course he obliged, and Inko helped me up as well.
"Sir, would you like to come over? Ms.(Y/N) is living with us right now, and i heard your her friend... I can make you some soup and I can help with your wounds until they start to heal.. Unless you would rather have me take you to the hospital?"
"If you would be willing to have me, I would gladly like to stay with (Y/N)."
"S-sure thing!"
They helped us get into the car, and I felt bad for Toshonori a bit. He had to duck his head, but they didnt really notice past his hair.
"Thank you, Ms.Midoria- I appreciate it."
"Oh, its not a problem- and you can call me Inko!"
"Well, thank you Inko. My name is Toshinori."
She smiled at us through the mirror, and drove us back to the Midoria house. They helped us up the stairs, and sat us down on the couch as they made some food and got some medicine. I felt like someone was staring at me, specifically someone sitting next to me.
"...if you want to say something, say it- dont stare."
He gently set his hand on mine and sighed.
"I just wish more people could know how amazing you are."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you go to your whitts end to make people happy... I mean, your house was tumbled to the ground but you still came looking for me to see if I was okay. That shows me a lot (Y/N)."
"Well, I care a lot about you... I wouldnt be able to bear loosing you."
"I dont belive that."
"Okay. Toshonori, I litrally geussed your entire day earlier, I fucking ran and hurt myself just to see you, I held you until you calmed down all morning, You are the only other person who knows my quirk, something that Ive hid for almost all of my life, and now you say that you dont belive I cant live without you?"
I saw sadness form in his eyes, a type I had never seen before.
"I...Im so sorry Toshi.... I-...."
He shushed me and slightly pulled my head down onto his chest. He wrapped his arm around me, and I closed my eyes to listen to his heart.
"Im the sorry one (Y/N), I shouldnt have said anything in the first place."
I could feel his sadness, almost as if it were my own.
"Please... Dont feel bad. None of this would have happened if I hadent come chasing after you."
He kissed my head and rubbed my arm gently, and held my other hand.
"Im sure you already know what Im going to say."
"I think I do."
"Im the one who went chasing after a giant bird thing instead of helping you. Really, I put you through all this trouble because of some silly little lead I got. So really, Im the one who is sorry."
I could almost hear the words coming out of his mouth, and I figured I geussed right.
"Then I dont need to say it do I?"
"Im just glad your okay."
"Im glad I found you.."
He ran his fingers gently through my hair and we sat in silence. I eventually ended up dosing off on him, and he didnt disturb me as I slept. We stayed there for roughly twenty minutes, until I heard a door slam open. It was Izuku's door. I jumped up, and started running towards his room.
"Izuku?? Are you okay???"
I nearly slipped when I stopped, standing in front of his door. I was holding onto the door frame, my knees wanting to fold under me. Hos eyes were wide open, staring straight at me.
"Are you sure?? I heard the door slam.. Did something happen?"
"I just slipped and accidentally slammed into the door.."
"Izuku, that didnt sound like a 'slip and slam' type of sound. That sounded like someone, or something trying to get in."
"I-I promise- everything is fine..."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah...Im sure.."
I nodded and made my way over to him to give him a hug.
"If you need to talk about anything, both Toshinori and I are here."
"Thank you (Y/N).."
He squeezed me a little, and I figured he would want his alone time- so I went back out into the living room. Inko was giving Toshinori some soup and some painkillers, along with a water bottle. She talked to him for a moment before noticing I was there.
"Ah! (Y/N)! Are you hungry?"
"I could go for something small right now, yeah."
She smiled and her eyes lit up. She had always loved cooking for others, she was an amazing host when people were over.
"You sit down ans Ill get you some soup!"
I sat down with a nod and a smile, and she went zooming off into the kitchen. I looked at Toshonori, expecting him to be happy, but he looked fairly disgruntled.
"Are you okay Toshi?"
"Yeah, I geuss."
"You sure?"
"Not really."
He finished his small bowl of soup, and took the medicine Inko gave him. He was talking fairly quiet, so i was a littlw worried.
"What happened?"
"Nothing really happened, I just dont feel right."
"About what?"
"Well, to put it bluntly- Ms.Inko."
"Whats wrong with her?"
"Its not that she is a bad person, she seems very kind and easy to get along with... Its just, she seems.... Well, I dont know- Ive only known her for a couple hours."
"Well, just explain what your thinking."
"I don't want to sound like an idiot."
"Whatever it is, your not going to sound like an idiot."
"If you insist.."
He stared at his bowl, and tried to avoid making eye contact with me.
"Well, she seems to be... Not best flirting with me, but.."
I instantly felt a pang in my heart. I was jealous. I started thinking for a moment, and realized he was right.
"The dusted pink cheeks.. body language... hospitality... even her tone of voice...she really is flirting with him."
"I see your point."
"I don't know- I could be wrong."
"Well, if you arent, it is what it is."
"Your not even phased?"
"Well, you can do whatever you want to do. Im not going to stop you."
"While that is nice to know, Im a loyal person."
"Of course. I dont like cheaters, liers, ect. They only make me think of the bad things in life."
He layed his hand on his side, and I saw the anger and confusion in his eyes turn to sadness.
"I don't want to become one of those negative things. I want my life to be as happy as possible- and to me, that is being with you."
I felt my body being subconsciously pulled towards him, yet I wasnt moving.
"I love you (Y/N). And nothing can change that."
I almost burst into tears, but I refrained. I didnt want Inko to see me cry- I was hoping she didnt hear any of that conversation. I set my hand on his and slightly smiled at him.

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