Chapter 13

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I raced back to the rubble and opened a small box hidden in the ground where the garden used to be. I picked up the few things that were in there, and went rushing back into the ambulance.
"I actually did wash them- I totally forgot I set them in the heat box to dry... But here. I was going to give you your other shirt on our date, but that didnt work out as planned.. heh!"
I awkwardly scratched the back if my neck and sighed. I gave him his clothes and he stood up and walked towards me.
"You shouldnt strain yourself, you have a bun-!"
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in to kiss him- it definatly took me for suprise.
"Im not straining myself dear, its nothing much."
Recovery girl came and poked at his scar, and he winced.
"That hurts you know...!"
He held it for a moment, and grabbed my hand lightly.
"Would you mind staying with me while I get patched up?"
I nodded at him and sat down next to the cot. He held my hand while Recovery Girl healed what she could and patched him up, then he changed into his spare clothes.
"Thank you Recovery Girl- I appreciate it."
"Its no problem Toshinori. Just make sure that this one here doesnt get hurt via your 'training' again, okay?"
"I will try my best ma'am."
She gave us both stickers, and out we went. All-Might had to go help with the rubble, and I was told to stay back. I didnt like it, but it couldn't be helped.
I turned around and saw Izuku and his mom. They both ran up to me and hugged me.
"Are you okay?!"
Inko hugged me tighter, then let go. I scratched the back of my neck and sighed.
"Im fine.. My house on the other hand isnt.."
They both turned to look at the rubble, and covered their mouths in shock. Izuku sat down next to me, and gently hugged me once more.
"..Im so sorry (Y/N).. Is there anything we can do?"
"Not at the moment really... But could you stay with me a bit?"
They both nodded and Inko sat down on the other side of me as well.
"Do you have a place to stay?"
"I don't know yet, I might just stay in a hotel.."
"Well, if you dont find a place, why dont you stay with us instead of paying for a room?"
"You really mean it?"
"Of course! I can put you in the spare room next to Izuku's."
I hugged her with a thank you snd told them I would be right back. I ran up to the guard, asking him if I could see All-Might. He nodded, calling him over. Before long, there was a large hero kneeling in front of me.
"Is something wrong (Y/N)?"
"Well... I know this is pretty random, but I had to tell you before I forgot to- but Inko said that if I dont find a place , I can stay with her and Izuju for the time being!"
He patted my back and gently kissed my forehead.
"Thats amazing (Y/N)! Im happy for you."
"Oh are you jealous~?"
"I just want you to do what you want to do, Im not going to get in the way of that."
"Uh huh~ Dont worry, Ill still visit youu~"
I wrapped my arms around him, pulling myself closer.
"I love you Toshi~"
He slightly sighed and chuckled at the same time, and patted me again- talkimg quietly so the others around us couldnt hear.
"I love you too (Y/N)."
He stood back and let out his signature laugh.
I couldnt help but chuckle at the way he acted. He seemed like two completely different people as Toshonori and All-Might... But I loved them both the same. I walked back over to Izuku, and his mom seemed to be shocked.
"Erm... Ms.Inko? Are you okay?"
She showly turned her head towards me.
"W-was that really A-All might..?"
I chuckled as I watched her face turn bright red, just like Izukus used to (and still does)
"Yeah, thats him all right... what if him?"
"Hes...bigger than I thought....."
I couldnt help but stifle back a laugh as I felt myself turn red.
"Thats what I thought too... But I dont think we are thinking about the same thing..."
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"
I snapped back into reality and Izuku was gently shaling my shoulder.
"Huh? Yeah- im fine. Might want to check on your mom though."
She was facing towards All Might, her face turning red as well.
"Inko..? Your bright red."
She was startled and covered her face.
"Oh dear... Seems I fell out of reality for a moment... Well, why dont we get you two home?"
I nodded and told them to go ahead, i couldnt leave without telling him. I ran up to the guard, and asked where all might was, since I couldnt see, or hear him. He said he had aupposedly left the premisise seeing no one had seen him, and I was a little shocked.
"Are you sure he's not here?"
"Yes Ma'am, he left while you were talkin' to that green haired boy over there."
He pointed over into where I was talking to Izuku, and then to the left of them.
"I belive he went that way, but I couldnt see much through his smoke."
I was slightly relieved, now I knew he most likely wasnt crushed my any debree.
"T-thank you sir! I cant thank you enough for everything."
He nodded and tilted his construction hat to me, smiling gently. His stubble made him seem fairly intimidating, even with the smile. I decided not to talk any longer and go find Toshinori. I started running down the street, before remembering that Toshinori most lilely had his phone on him. I went to reach for mine, but felt nothing inside my pant pocket.
"My phone hit the floor with a 'thud'"
I cursed to myself as I realized my phone was most likely destroyed. I turned around a corner, but i was going a little too fast and slipped on the grassy area there.
"Damnit, Toshinori is going to kill me..."
I scraped open my knee and elbow, but I kept going- they didnt bother me. I ended up running to a big tree near the beach area, and sat down on the bench under it. I tried to catch my breath, and I felt my scrapes and burns start to sting. I atarted to relax, when I heard footsteps behind me- but my body was too tired to move.
"Please dont be a villan. Please dont be a villan!"
The footsteps grew louder, and I started to panic. I wanted to stand up and run, but I was afraid of what was behind me. I started to shake, and I felt my hands clam up.
"This is not the time for a panic attack (Y/N)!"
I felt like I was shaking in my boots by the time the footsteps got to my range.  The veins in my arms started to pop out, and I tried not to move. The leaves behind me started to crunch, and my anxiety went through the roof. I felt dizzy almost, and a haze was forming around my eyes. It was getting harder to breath- each breath in was sharp, painful. Was someone attacking me? Was my imagination getting the best of me? I thought I was going to pass out, when I felt a familliar hand on my shoulder.
"You might want this (Y/N), no use in trying to call you if you dont have it." A bright phone case was set in front of me, with All Might stickers all over it, I would recognise thar case anywhere- it was the one I made.
The figure sat down next to me, and I was hoping it was Toshonori. I was still trying to stutter out his name.
"Are you okay?"
The hand that was on my shoulder was now on my back.
"Its me, I promise."
I felt my muscles start to relax, but I was still alert.
"Th....the-... w...."
He started rubbing my back and I started calming down. I still didnt know for sure if it really was him, I couldnt see him. I started taking deeper breaths and tried talking again.
"Im.. s-sorry if... I-"
I was struggling with my words- my throat felt stuffes full of socks.
"Hey, its okay.. relax."
I tried turning my head, all I wanted to see was my lover's reasuring face. I managed to get my body to move, reluctantly. I slowly turned my head, and Toshinori was thankfully the one next to me. But instead of his gentle smile, there was debree stuck in him, his shirt once again ripped to pieces.
I moved my hand to touch his face, and my eyes widened. He was bleeding, fairly fresh wounds. Before I could touch his face, he gently grabbed my hand.
"Im fine, i promise- some debree just hit me, thats all."
He pulled me into his arms, and I could hear his heart beating steadily. I felt my body start to melt into him, almost going limp.
"What happened to you (Y/N)?"
"Im sorry.."
"..dont b-be."
He hugged me a little tighter, and went to let me go. I slightly groaned at him, and he put his arms back around me. I smiled and gently burrowed my head into his chest. I felt thw warmth radiating off him, and it made me feel a bit better. Eventually I let up, using my arms to brace myself.
"S-should I call someone t-to come pick us up..?"
"I dont think anyone would want to see me like this."
"Well... Inko c-could help with your injuries- she was going to be a nurse.."
"Are you sure she would want to even let me in? Im a skeleton of a man with sticks sticking out of his arms."
"She is w-willing to help anyone in need."
"Only if you want to... I mean, I can take care of these myself."
"I want to... plus, I need to get over there anyway.."
"You sure you want to?"
He nodded and I opened my phone. I was still shaking, but I managed. I called Izuku first, since I figured that Inko was driving, and I could tell Izuku who the other person was.
"H-hey Izuku. I need to ask you and I-Inko a favor.."
"Whats up?"
"Well... AM and I are kind of in a p-pinch.. do you th-think you could come pick us up?"
"What?? What happened??"
"Some debree fell on AM, in his... weaker form. Hes i-injured, and I cant really move much..."
He started mumbling over the phone, I was geussing he was talking to his mother.
"O-okay! Where are you guys??"
"We are n-near the beach, under the big tree by the old s-snack shack."
"Okay! We are on our way!"
"A-and Izuku..?"
"Im sure y-you know this already, but please dont tell her that the f-friend I need you to pick up with me is All-M-might.. Just say his name is T-toshinori if she asks?"
"S-sure thing!!"
"Thank you Izuku..!"
"No problem!! I will let you know when we are there, if you dont see us by then!
I said 'okay' and we hung up. My range of motion was a little better now, but I couldnt really move my legs. I layed on Toshinori, and he ran his fingers through my hair. While i was on the phone, he managed to get most of the large pieces of debree out of his arms and face. There werent any peices anywhere else, just open cuts and bruises. I felt my eyes start to water as I looked him over. He was all sorts of cut up, and it hurt me as much as him to see it.
"Dont worry about me (Y/N)- I told you, Im fine.
"But you dont look fine..."
His eyes seemed sad, almost as they did earlier that morning. But this time they were mixed with sadness, and anger- almost fear. It concerned me, because I knew he wouldnt be scared after something as simple as some drywall and wood falling on him.
"Are you sure it was just debree?"
"I dont belive that."
"Thats all it was, nothing more."
"You sure that you didnt try and go after the ones who attacked the house after you helped with the large peices?"
He paused for a moment, and thats when I knew he wasnt telling the truth.
"I didnt- all I did was move some rocks and such, and large wood and rocks fell on me.
"The you I know wouldnt just leave after that."
I tried to piece things together in my head, and I figured I had the story pretty straight.
"You finished working, and you told some of the construction workers you were leaving to take care of more hero work. You went in the way that the villans who attacked us went, and Im geussing you followed some kind of footsteps that big bird thing left behind. You followed as far ad you could, until something like the tracks ending or an end in the road happened. You tried to get through, most likely through some rocks. I know you were in your hero form for a while, so you didnt have all your strength. You tried to lift it, and mostly managed- but you probably almost gave in and they slipped. There was peovably wood pallates or something wodden under or around the rocks, causing them to splinter and land everywhere. You probably didnt have enough room to fit in your hero form, so you reverted back ti normal and covered yourself for the impact. You didnt get any major injuries, so you went to go find me at the house. If I asked what happened, you could blame the debree there too. While you were looking, you found my phone and went to give it back to me. You didnt see me, and most lilely figured I went to the beach or somethere I normally go. Yada yada ya, you saw me and wanted to give me back my phone, and everything else happened up until now."
I looked up and he looked stunned, like I figured he would.
" did you figure that out.?!"
"Izuku asked how I make money here- and I said my aunt sends me money and stuff right? Well, thats mostly true. She helps with my rent and is helping with school and such, but I pay for everything else out of pocket... I hoped not to tell you guys, I wanted it to keep it secret- but Im a private detective."
"Wow... No wonder."
He was still running his fingers through my hair, trying to process everything I just said.
"So? Did I get it right?"
He didn't say a word, and I took that as a yes.
"I can read even some of the hardest people, some even say its like another quirk of mine.. I say its just pure luck."

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