Chapter 26

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The room went quiet, everyone giving all of their attention (and more) to Present Mic.
I saw a few kids get up, and I did as well. I saw Izuku out of the corner of my eye, and he was fan-boying as always. As we walked out, I heard Present Mic start talking to the rest of the kids. I couldnt make out what he was saying very well, but I didnt really try to listen. I followed along with my other classmates to the gym, where a few teachers were waiting. I didnt recognise them as heros, so I figured they were staff or administration. There were men with black suits everywhere, guarding the doors.
"I wonder what thats about..."
We all walked to the center of the room, and none other than Nezu walked into the room. He glanced at me, then nodded before turning back to the rest of the students.
"Welcome! You are all here for the personalized entrance exams. You all have quirks that we cannot allow in the normal exams, so we have created an examination room for each and every one of you! You will be given a card with a number and your name on it, then you will find the guard with the same number. Said guard will take you to your room, then give you an explanation on what rules you have and what you need to do. Have fun kids!"
We all stood there, waiting for our cards as silently as we could. I was extreamly nervous, and I could tell that some of the other examinees were as well. I glanced around for a moment, then I was handed my card.

Examinee Name : (M/N)

Personal ID code: 6249372518

Please look for guard #4, he will escort you to your examination room.

I glanced over my card, then quickly went to find my guard. They had their numbers on the back of their suits, so it was fairly easy to find mine.
"Ah, you are guard number four, right?"
He nodded.
"Your (R/N) right?"
"E-erm, my name is (M/N).."
"Then we gonna have ourselvez a problem. I was told I was escortin' a little chick named (R/N). And ya' look like a chick, but if ya' name aint (R/N), ya' shit outta luck."
I felt a shiver go down my spine, tightening every muscle within me.
"S-sir... my old name w-was (R/N)... but it was changed..."
"And why was a purdy name like (R/N) changed ta sumthin so boyish?"
"Because... I-I was a, I'm a male.. I transitioned."
"Oh really now?"
I nodded my head, waiting for the worst.
"So ya' were born a girl?"
I looked him dead in the eyes, not knowing what to expect. When I focused on him, his eyes were filled with hatred and rage. I felt myself heat up, sweat now running down the back of my neck.
"There's no changin' what ya were born as. It just can't happen."
His face was distorted, he looked like he was trying to keep himself together. This time it was my turn for anger.
"Excuse my rudeness sir, but it is fully possible."
"Seein ya got a chest under there, I'd say ya aint a boy. And ya never will be."
My head started to sting, rage filling me. My hands cramped, and I could feel myself steaming underneath my tracksuit. I glanced around, hoping no one had noticed- but I saw that everyone had left already. I gritted my teeth, hoping to keep myself together.
"S-sir... Everyone else has left. Can you please take me to my examination room?"
"Oh, are ya' stutterin' now?"
I heated more and more, my patience getting shorter and shorter. I took a deep breath in, trying to calm myself down.
"I don't want to ask again. Seeing that you are guard four, you are the guard that needs to take me to my exam. So, please take me there."
I spoke as clearly as I could, and it seemed to work.
"Whatever girly. Walk behind me."
I bit down on my tongue, clenching my fists together as tight as I could. He started walking, and I followed close behind him. I could hear him mutter every so often, but I was too angry to bother listening.
We turned a few corners, and I felt the temperature change.
"Ill bet they set up a cold environment."
We got to the door, and he motioned for me to go in.
"Aren't you supposed to tell me the rules?"
"I ain't tellin you jack shit, kid. Good luck on the exam."
He walked away. Smirking as he walked out of view. In anger, I slammed the exam door open. I felt a rush of cold air hit my face, the temperature change making me shiver in suprise.
"Geussed it."
Walking in, I glanced around. I didnt know if I should start, so I stood there for a moment. I heard the indercom come on, putting my attention to listening. 
"Now that you are all in your assigned rooms, you will have thirty seconds to get in position as your guard explained. Ready, go!"
"Wait, what position?!"
I started running, looking for anything thar could give me a clue on what to do. I ran for all thirty seconds, seeing nothing. I ended up on top of a large hill, almost cliff-like. There was about a fifteen foot drop from what I could see, so I glanced around again. I could see faint dark spots, and they seemed oddly shaped-
"Robots. They have to be."
I could see about ten of them, mabey eleven. I started memorizing where they were, and the layout of the maze I could see. Again, the intercom came on.
"You all should be in position. Get ready, and go!"
I was shocked, I expected somw type of countdown.
"Shit.. what do I do?"
I put my hands out in front of me, trying to activate my quirk.
"Shit... only steam! It's too cold here... I need to warm up."
I looked around me, only seeing two ways down. Back the way I came, or to jump. The safer way would to be to go back down the hill, but that would have been a waste of time. I looked forward again, when suddenly an idea popped into my head.
"Pressurized force... mabey it could work!"
I remembered the fight I had with Izuku, and the pressure blast I used. Mabey I could pull it off here! I leaped forward without a second thought, clamping my hands together. I managed to get a small flame going, and I pushed as much blood as I could to feed it. I hit the ground with a thud, rolling once or twice. My feet stung, but I paid no mind to it and I ran. I felt the flame grow bigger and bigger, as I ran it got warmer. I could hear bots roaming around- they were getting close.
"I think there are two on the left... they both sound pretty small. One to the right, sounds bigger. One passed behind me... definalty bigger."
I tried to remember what I had seen at the top of the cliff, realizing what sort of pattern they would route.
"There are only three different routes they could take... seeing there's only one of me, then they will probably circle around an area where I would be. Around corners is probably where they'll pop up most."
I continued to think to myself, running as fast as I could.
"Target acquired. Locked and ready to fire."
I turned around, seeing a huge bot.

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