Chapter 28

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"Hey! HEY!"
All I could see was a hand waving in front of my face.
"Hellooo? Anybody home?"
I realized that Toshinori and Izuku were in front of me, with Toshi waving his hand in front of my face.
"W-yeah! Im okay... Im here... Whats going on??"
I got up off the bench, studying their faces.
"You've been staring at nothing for two hours."
"O-oh... I geuss my daydream was longer than I thought!"
I rubbed the back of my neck, both of them letting out a sigh of relief.
"How was training?"
"It was good! Young Midoria here has definitely improved."
"That's awsome! Good job Izu!"
I gave him a high-five, then gave Toshi a quick hug.
"How about we go get something to eat?"
"That sounds awesome! Im starving."
"I'll let Inko know you're coming with us. Toshi, are you coming?"
"Sure, I'll tag along."
I texted Inko, then we all started walking.
"Where do you guys want to go?"
"Anywhere is fine! As long as we can sit down."
I nodded, then checked my map for surrounding restaurants.
"How about Ramen? There's a good place a few blocks down."
They both nodded happily. They looked tired, but content.
"What all did I miss about training?"
"Not much.. Just normal stuff."
"There isn't really a 'normal' with you two... I mean, unless you consider eating hair normal."
".....we dont talk about that."
We all laughed and joked around, and soon enough we were at the ramen shop. It was a small buisness, but seemed homey.
We walked in, the smell of freshly cut vegetables and broth greeting us. The waiter said we could pick anywhere we wanted to sit, so we chose a booth with a good view. They quickly took our orders, and went off into the kitchen.
"By the way, how did your entrance exam go? We didnt hear abour the private exams."
"Oh! It went well... For the most part."
Toshinori turned to me, slightly confused.
"For the most part?"
"Oh... I geuss I never told you, did I?"
More confusion arose, now both sets of eyes locked on me.
"The guard... Guard 4? When I explained my transitioning state to him, he kinda... gave me a hard time about it. And I didn't really know how to tell you, especially because you didnt know at the time."
"H-heh... yeah..."
Toshi's eyes filled with rage, his hands clamming up and balling into fists. I quickly grabbed them, pulling him around me- wrapping his arms around my waist as i rubbed his back.
"It's fine... Its all over with now. No need to get mad, okay?"
His tensceness remained for a moment, before he gave in. I felt his body melt into mine, his arms firming gently around me. I kissed his cheek amd he let go, giving me a quick kiss on the nose. We both turned back to Izuku, who's eyes seemed to be as big as saucers.
"Erm... Are you okay?"
" were able to calm him down so...quickly..."
"Yeah, I have a tendency to do that."
I smirked, playfully punching Toshi in the shoulder, before i felt something vibrate in my pocket. I took my phone out of my pocket, reading the caller.
"...Its the station..."
"I'll be right back."
I hopped out of the booth, running outside and answering the call.
" (L/N) here. What's the problem?"
" Hey (L/N). Its Tsukauchi. We have a case we cant really peice together... Are you free at the moment?"
"Not really, no. Im out with Toshinori and Midoria. But I'll see what I can do from here. Send me the information you have."
"Sounds good."
He hung up, and I almost immediately got messages from him. There were three files total, with multiple notes attatched- I read through them all, seeing a pattern instantly. I called him back, this time using my ear-peice so i could use my phone.
"Hey Tsukauchi. I found a pattern."
"Clear as day."
"Somehow Im not suprised... Anyway, continue."
"Youve been reading them in the wrong order. Based off of the time frames, go from file two, then one, then three. Suspect seven is assistant, suspect nine is the delinquent. Houses A,B,D, and E7 were done within a weeks time frame. Most likely with old pipes and knives, considering they had no weapons on them, and the house models. Also, file three has an irrelevant case in folder five, case 82793 was done by someone else. Wrong style, wrong time frame, different suspects. Anyways. Check out houses One and Five, you should find basements with each of the suspects, one of them may or may not be dead."
" it."
"Are you okay?"
"It just astounds me you were able to figure that out so quickly."
"I'm not, it was easy."
"Oh really now? I geuss we will have to find harder cases for you."
"Good luck finding that lucky case, Mr. Coffee and Almonds."
"....How did you know?"
"Its about the time you get your coffee, just after your little five minute break. And today was the day that Brenda brought in bags of nuts, and knowing you, you chose the almond bag."
"....we seriously need to pay you more."
"Good luck convincing the boss on that. Anyway, I gotta head back in. Chat me if something else happens."
"Sounds like a plan. Have a good rest of your evening."
"You too. Tell everyone I say hey."
"Will do. Talk to you later."
He hung up, and I walked back inside. I sat back down happily, feeling proud of myself.
"So! What'd I miss?"
"Litterally nothing, you were only gone for about three minutes..."
"Huh, I thought it was longer then that. Whatever!"
"What was the call for?"
I immediately froze, realizing that I had never told Izuku. I didnt want to, I wanted to keep it a secret.
I felt a tap on my hand, and looked at Toshi. He knew what was going on, and I could tell in his eyes he wanted me to tell the truth. I let out a sigh, and turned to Izuku again.
"Well... That was Tsukauchi. A detective from the Police station.."
"Why did you get a call from the detective?"
"He needed my help with...solving a case."
I leaned forward, quieting my voice so no one else could hear.
"Im... a detective as well."
I quickly shushed him, attempting to hold in his excitement.
"Don't tell anyone. If they knew that i told you, I could get fired and you could get washed."
He nodded, and I put my hand down.
"..what does it mean to get 'washed'..?"
"To put it simply... Brainwashing."
The gleam in his eyes went dull, and I could tell that he was scared.
"They could very easily erase everything about me from your mind. I would be a complete, utter stranger to you again. And not only me. Any memories you have had with me and someone else, that someone else will be erased from that memory too."
" don't mean..."
"I do."
He looked at Toshi, then to me.
"That's why its so important that you don't tell anyone. I didnt want to tell you because of it."
He nodded, and looked back at Toshi.
"I know its a lot... But dont take it too seriously. Tsukauchi knows you and i are very close, and I dont think he will have a problem with you knowing... he knows I trust you with my life, so this little thing is something Im sure you can keep...Right?"
"..y-yeah.... But... What about All Might..?"
"Tsukauchi is one of my very close friends on the police force. He knows about the conection we have with One For All, and the connection I have with (M/N). I've known for a little while now, but we tried to keep it under wraps."
"Oh... I see.."
I watched as his eyes became focused, and before I could react, he was muttering away.

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