Chapter 6

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I turned on some of my favorite tunes and softly sang as I picked some strawberries, blueberries, and some raspberries for my breakfast. I finished picking everything as went back inside. I washed the fruit and ate, then went to go change for my jog.

~time skip~

I jogged up to the beach, expecting to see Toshi. Yet, much to my suprise, he wasnt there today... But to be fair it was still pretty early. I jogged down the stairs, and went to the spot where we normally met. Then I heard something slightly clanking- then footsteps. I looked to my right to see Toshinori. He had his hair tied up and an earbud in. He seemed to be enjoying himself, then he saw me. He continued to jog, and picked me up and twirled me when he came up to me.
"Looks like I beat you here Toshinori~"
"Yes, it seems you did (Y/N)." He chuckled and looked at me, and I returned his gaze. He was smiling, and his eyes were gleaming. He seemed so happy, I loved it. I booped his nose and smiled at him as I chuckled. He smiled as well, and he gently set me down as he kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, and he gently rubbed my head.
"Its nice to see you too (Y/N).." I chuckled and tightened my grip for a second.
"You're a jerk, I hope you know that Toshi~"
I let go of him and he raised an eyebrow at me before gently grabbing my hand and quickly turned me around, holding my waist sexily before I could render what was happening.. He started whispering, almost purring in my ear-
"I told you, I was just getting started~" He then whipped me around again and had my body on his, holding me as if we were going to waltz.
"I know just what gets you hooked~" He moved me closer with the arm he had around my waist, and let go of my hand, gently raising my chin to meet his face, our lips desprately close.
"Do you want more?" Once again, he was behind me, gently holding my arms in a cross around my waist, slightly kissing my neck.
"Or are you going to melt if I move?" I felt myself getting hot.. He slowly pulled down my unzipped sweatshirt, exposing my almost steaming shoulders.
"Aah~ you like it dont you~" he purred, as he slowly moved his hand to my waist again.
"H-ha....c-come on T-toshi..." I could barely take it. He kissed all the right spots... touched me so gently. Whispered in my ear... I loved it. I wanted more. But he was right... if he even moved, I might just melt.
"T-toshi~ p-please..." I felt my heartbeat start to speed up. My breathing was slightly harder.
"I geuss I could save a few tricks for later~" He spun me back around and fixed me up.
"Well now (Y/N), your about as red as a cherry." I held my face in my hands and groaned.
"H-how the h-hell did you d-do that?!?!" He started laughing and he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he made eye contact with me.
"...You would be suprised at what I know sweetheart~"
Holy fucking shit.
I again groaned and wondered if I could even get any more red. He laughed again as I heard a familliar voice.
"(Y/N)! All-Might!!!"
I turned around and it was Izuku! I waved my arm at him, and Toshi waved too. We were both greeted with hugs from him, and I ruffled his hair and he laughed.
"Hey (Y/N)! I didnt expect you to be here so early!" I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck.
"To be honest Izuku, Im suprised too... I even managed to beat All-Might here."
He looked at me and his eyes seemed to gleam.
Both Toshi and I started to laugh as he started bombarding me with questions.
"Jeeze Izuku, you've got a crazy mind for a 16 year old." He tilted his head slightly at me.
"What do you mean 'for a 16 year old'?"
"Well, when I was 16 all I did was take class after class, and I never asked questions... I geuss its just a little different to me, thats all." He looked slightly confused and he tilted his head a little more.
I started laughing when I realized something important. I never told him my age.
"Izuku, im 19..."
I could have swore his jaw dropped to the ground.
"WAIT YOUR 19?!?"
Toshinori almost doubled over as he started spitting blood with how hard he was laughing. I was laughing too, and Izuku again started throwing out questions.
"When's your birthday?"
"What do you mean class after class?"
"Why are you inrolling in U.A instead of a collage?"
Why this and why that- I explained as much as I could to him.
"I inrolled into U.A because its sort of a family tradition. Plus, Ive always wanted to get into a good hero course."
He started muttering, I geussed he was trying to put all this information through his head.
"Midoria, if anyone is good at spouting out gibberish it's you." I looked at Toshinori, who was cleaning the blood off his mouth with the bottom of his shirt, exposing his stomach- and wound- along with his abs... He glanced at me and winked as he put his shirt back down. I tried to hide my flusteration again. It was a LOT harder than it was last time...
"Wow... okay. So, (Y/N), how do you manage to live here? Ive never seen you working or heard you talk about a job.."
"Well, I made a deal with my aunt that I could live on my own since I was homeschooling, and she would send me money to pay for my living expenses, so I had to get my hero licence and help her with her work in return."
"Which means going theough a hero course..."
"Exactimundo!" I smiled and playfully pointed finger-guns at him. We all laughed for a second before Toshinori got our attention.
We both looked at him and straightened ourselves. I could tell that Izuku was still pretty flustered, as he couldnt keep his face straight.
"Y-yessir!" His eyes widened slightly as he tried to get his thoughts off of his mind. Toshinori looked at both of us and transformed.
Izuku and I both nodded intently and started stretching. We normally started out with a run, so I started on my legs and worked my way up. All-Might stood there, silently watching. After about five or ten minuted, something started beeping.
Izuku and I both readied ourselves to start running, and we waited for All-Might to give us the okay. We watched him sprint past us, and we waited for him to stop- but he didnt.
We were taken by suprise but we started running. I didnt want to push myself too much, but... that didnt work out as planned. I watched as he got farther away and I fell behind.
Now, I could barely see him as Izuku passed me.
Game on.
I watched Izuku pass me... All-Might got further away. I suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline kick in as I pushed into high gear. I sped past Izuku, not realizing how fast I was going... And then I was running next to All Might. I didnt feel out of breath, nor my legs burning.... I felt good. Then I realized that my feet were the only things hurting. Almost burning. I quickly looked behind me, then fumbled over and stopped dead in my tracks. All down the beach were footprints of glass. All-Might had slowed down to a stop and came back to me, I was still staring down the beach. Then back at my own feet.
"Well then (Y/N).. Thats new." I looked at All Might in horror. How the hell did i manage to do that?? Izuku then caught up to us and looked astounded.
"Is that why you ran with your shoes off?!" I looked at him then back at the ground.
"....Izuku, I didnt know I could even do this."
We all looked at eachother in confusion.. Then A big cloud of white smoke surrounded us. I looked in All-Might's direction, but standing there was a deflated Toshinori.
"You really didn't know you could do this..?"
He looked as dumbfounded as I did and I responded with a nod "no". He picked up the glass, and slightly winces as he did so.
"Its uh... probably s-still hot..." I bent down and picked one up as well. Then Izuku started muttering again... Both of us looked at him, he had his hand on his chin, tapping every so often as he was thinking...
"Earth to Midoria.." Toshinori waved his hand in front of Izuku's face. It got his attention, as he sproinged into a straight position. It was honestly kind of funny...
"S-sorry All-Might!" I could almost feel the defeat he was...
"Izuku, what were you muttering about?"
"W-well uh... based off of the information I have on your quirk, you release heat from certian parts of your body when your quirk is being used, yes?" I nodded and propped myself to be looking at him.
"So does that mean that your quirk was being used just then?" He picked up the glass.
"Your blood gets hot, fast. And that happens to normal people too, but yours happens a lot faster and to a higher degree. So that would mean that with forcefull impact and extream heat, the sand turned into glass."
I looked at him and Im pretty sure my mouth was hanging wide open.
"Erm... are you okay (Y/N)?"
I lifted myself off the ground and dusted off.
"I just... I never expected something so... educated to come out of your mouth? Ive been in school for nearly 15 years and I wouldn't have even geussed that."

He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.
"W-well... I just like studying quirks, seeing I dont have one of my own..." I once again, felt dumbstruck.
"Wait... wait a minute!" He looked at me and nervously lifted an eyebrow.
"You dont have a quirk..?"
I immediately felt guilty for asking him that.
"Sh-shit... I shouldn't have been so b-blunt.."
"No, its fine (Y/N)... Ive heard it again and again. And no, I dont have a quirk..."
I looked at him, then at Toshinori. Then back at him. This went on for a couple seconds before they figured out why I was so confused. Toshinori sighed before facing me.
"Im sure your wondering why Im training Midoria... and the reason is because he will be the next user of One For All."
I covered my mouth in my hands as I processed the information that was just given to me.
"Midoria. If it isnt too much to ask of you, could you give us a moment?"
He nodded and started jogging back across the beach. We watched him turn the corner, and as soon as he was out of sight I imbraced Toshinori tightly.
"T-that doesnt me-mean that'll..."
He returned the imbrace, gently rubbing my back.
"I dont know yet..."
I looked up at him, tears rolling down my face.  He put his hand on my cheek and wiped away some of my tears with his thumb. I couldn't help but cry, I could be loosing the love of my life in just a few short days. Not to mention if things went south, my best, and only real friend. I buried my face into Toshinori's chest and silently cried.
"P-please dont cry about it (Y/N), nothing will go wrong, and..." I tightened my grip on his shirt and finished his sentence.
"...and you hate seeing me cry."
I slowly stopped crying. And let go of him. I tried to wipe away my tears with the back of my arm, attempting to hide my face as well.
I tilted my head, signalling that I knew he was talking to me.
"Look at me..."
I didnt move.
Again, I didnt move.
"Why Toshinori..."
The tears I wiped away were coming back as my fingertips started to bleed.
"Why didnt you tell me?"
I looked up at him and continued to cry.
"If you hate seeing me cry, then this is your punishment. If you like keeping secrets, then you can keep all of mine. If you like to save people, you should save yourself.." I broke off, not thinking about what i was saying.
"...if you want to love, then find someone worthy of your heart."
I watched small tears go down his face, and a drop of blood come from the corner of his mouth. I said nothing more and started to walk away.
"People often tell me that they are sorry for something. Many people have said that they have wanted to be a hero. Many people have told me that they are my biggest fan. Many people have tried to kill me even. But no one has really told me one thing. And one thing only. Three words that mean the world to someone."
I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Do you know what those words are?"
I slightly tilted my head to the right and felt my hands bleed more.
"Those three words... that only one person has told me. That mean it intimately. That really returned my feelings."
He took a deep breath in, and choppily exhailed.
"I never knew what 'I love you' really meant... I never knew.. I had lost that feeling. Until I met you."
I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, and gently hug me.
"And I understand how mad you are... Believe me, I do. And I also understand if you dont want to be around me." His arms went to drop, but I held them up.
".....Toshinori Yagi. The name that I never knew would change me so much... But what I really didnt know, was that I would be able to fall in love with that name... and tell the name's bearer something special." I turned around and faced him...
We then spoke in perfect unison.
"I love you."

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