Chapter 16

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I nuzzled into his neck, his hair gently tickling my nose.
"Thank you.."
He set his hand on my head, and kissed my temple.
"You dont need to thank me (Y/N)."
"Im sorry.."
"For what? You did nothing wrong."
"I overreacted.."
"No, you didnt."
"I just..."
I dug myself deeper into his chest, taking in his smell.
"I would hate to loose you."
He kissed my head and I shifted myself so I was laying my head on his lap. I groaned slightly and he chuckled.
"You would never loose me (Y/N)."
I looked up at him and he ran his fingers through my hair again.
"I wouldn't lie about us."
He wiped away the remaining tears on my face and I felt relaxed.
"..thank you Toshinori."
He smiled at me once more before Izuku walked into the room.
"H-hey guys?"
"Ah, young Midoria. What is it?"
"I... I um..."
I turned my head so I could see him, and he was freakishly pale.
I got up, going to go hug him.
"Izu, whats wrong?"
"Y....your.... your house..."
I felt a tinge of pain but didnt bother noticing it.
"What about it?"
"There was.....a...."
"A b-blue haired b-boy...."
I froze instantly."
"Is that the only thing you noticed about him?"
"There...There was only one m-more thing I noticed.."
"Which was?"
"He had a hand over his face."
I felt him tense up and I felt a presence behind me. I turned my hesd slightly and Toshinori was close behind me, his body almost touching mine.
"Can you tell me anything more about him?"
"There werent many other describing factors... He just had a bunch of hands on him."
"Hands as in, a quirk type?"
"No.. As in, he had a bunch of hands all over his body.. Like, one on his face, his head, his arms, you get it...right?"
"I think I do."
"W-well then, Izu- how would you feel about going to the beach with Toshonori and I?"
I pointed to behind me to Toshonori, figuring he still didnt know when I called him by his real name.
"...with me and All-Might."
"O-oh.. Sure."
I smiled at him gently and hugged him again.
"Go throw your shoes on and we'll go?"
He nodded and went back into his room. I smiled a little as he left, but I felt sorry for him, he seemed really distraught by what happened. After about a minute or so, he cake back out with his shoes and his bag. I didnt bother asking why he grabbed it, It didnt bother me any. I nodded at Toshinori and we walked out of the house. We all walked in silence for about three minutes, until Izuku brole the silence.
"S-so.. I have a question.."
I glanced at him then back in front pf me.
"Go for it."
"W-uh... A-crap- are you...."
"Am I..?"
"This is... K-kind of awkward to ask..."
"Just say what you're thinking, It will be better for all of us."
He took a deep breath in, and turned his head towards me with a flustered face.
"Are y-you and All-Might together..?"
It took me a moment to process what he said, and I started chuckling.
"All that worry for a simple question like that?"
"-pff- To answer your question.."
I playfully jumped into Toshinori's arms and he thankfully caught me. I leaned my head back and Izuku looked at me with a sence of eagerness and dread.
I heard Toshinori chuckle before gently pushong on my back to tell me to lean forward. I did, and he kissed my forehead before setting me swiftly back on the ground.
"If you dont m-mind me asking... how long?"
"Pff- your a dork Izu. But not for very long.."
"W-well.... I wish you guys luck!"
"What for?"
"Its going to be painful... I-if you know what I mean."
My face flushed red and so did Toshinori's. I punched his arm playfully.
"I think im willing to take the risk~"
I winked at Toshi, who's face was still bright red. He chuckled back before patting my head and sighing.
"You two really are something when your near each other, arent you.."
"What do you mean All-Might..?"
"Yeaaah- what do you mean?"
"-sigh- I mean that you two are really close."
"Well, considering that he's been my only friend for quite some time... we've spent probably too much time together."
Izuku chuckled and I smiled. Toshonori smiled as well, and I grabbed his hand.
"Why? Are you jealooouus?"
"What?! Of course not."
We stopped at the peir and Izuku sat down. He pulled out his notebook out of his bag, and started muttering away. I chuckled at him and turned to Toshi.
"Hey Toshinori?"
I wrapped my arms around his waist and he did the same to me.
"What do you want me to call you?"
He cocked gis head slightly.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, nicknames."
"You can call me anything you like.."
I smiled at him and squeezed him playfully.
"Okay Toshi-boshi~"
"-pfft- What do you want yooour nickname to be?"
"You can call me aaaanything you want~"
"Im okay with that, as long as I can always call you mine~"
My cheeks flushes red and I buried my face in his soft shirt.
"Why do you do this to meeee~?"
"Hmmmmm~? I cant hear you~"
I pulled my face out of his shirt and moved my arms up to his neck, gently  pulling him down to kiss him.
"I said, 'why do you do this to me~?"
He chuckled and picked me up bridal-style. I was suprised and yelped before giggling.
"Your cute when you do that~"
"-pfff- do what~?"
"When you smile~"
"Yess~ Its truuee~"
"Your a dork Toshi~"
"Yeah, but Im your dork~"
He kissed my forehead before setting me down and sitting next to Izuku.
"Writing anything new Young Midoria?"
"O-oh! Y-yeah... just writing down some things Ive observed about some local heros..."
I chuckled and sat down next to Toshi, before laying my head in his lap. He started running his fingers through my hair and I enjoyed it.
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"Whats up Izu?"
"W-when are you going to tell him..?"
I felt my heart drop and my body stiffen.
"W-uh....when t-the time is r-right...."
I started tearing up but didnt let the tears fall. I felt Toshinori's gaze on me and I couldnt bare it.
"I.... I have to go for a m-minute..."
I got up from Toshinori's lap and made a run for it. I turned the corner to a nearby allyway, one that I knew quite well. I practiced melting and such when I was getting familliar with my quirk, and some people had made art from the holes in the brick. I always came here when i was upset, and few people knew about it. I sat down, thinking I was alone and started sobbing. I didnt want anyone to find out, not for a very long time. Not even my aunt knew- absolutely no one accept me and Izuku. I wanted to tell Toshonori, but i was worried of what he would say. He couldn't possibly accept me, not after everything. And even though we had only been together a month, it made my heart sink to my feet when i thiught of loosing him. My mind went wild with all the things he could possibly say.
"Dont talk to me anymore."
"Leave me alone."
"Thats disturbing."
"Your disgusting."
"Fuck off."
"We're over."
"I support you."
The last thought in my head. It couldnt possibly be true, no way in hell. I set my head in my hands and sat there for a moment, before I heard footsteps. Ones that didnt sound like Izukus worn, squeaky sneakers. They sounded like thick, heavy boots. It was the first and last person I wanted to see.
"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!!! Answer me!! Please!!"
I didnt move a muscle.
I could hear the strain in his voice and I let out a quiet sob. Apperently it was loud enough for him to hear, because his heavy footsteps came closer and closer, coming to a stop at my feet. He clutched me in his arms, squeezing my tightly.
"You had me so worried... why did you run off?"
I once again, didnt move.
I dropped my hands and let them hit the ground abruptly.
"...why did you come after me?"
"Because I care about you (Y/N). What did Midoria mean when he asked when you were going to tell me something?"
"Is something wrong?"
"Please, talk to me (Y/N)."
I took in a deep breath, my lungs feeling as if they were shaking in me. My quaking body didnt still.
".....y-you wont....."
"I won't what?"
" you c-cant.......youll.....leave...."
"What cant I do? What wont I do? What am I leaving?"
All the same word, but answering all the questions.
"You'll just *hick* leave...."
He picked my face up in his hand, but I refused to make eye contact. He spoke in a soft tone, his voice seeming to deepen in a way.
"(Y/N).. look at me. Please."
More tears rolled down my cheeks and he wiped them away, putting my hair behind my ear.
"Please (Y/N)..?"
He ever so gently pressed his lips on my cheek, as he couldnt get to my lips. He was being so... careful. Not rough or playful. Tender... sweet. I wanted to just wrap my arms around him and sit on the cold concrete in his warm imbrace. But I knew that couldnt happen.
"Please tell me what's wrong so I can help you."
"I*hick* I....."
"Five deep breaths... Do it with me."
In, out- one.
In, out- two.
In, out- three.
In, out- four
In, out- five
A little calmer.

Toshinori Yagi x reader smut! [🍋] (SLOW UPDATE)Where stories live. Discover now