Chapter 3

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"See you later Toshi~"

Okay, what was I thinking?! I unlocked the door and flopped down onto the sofa. I covered my face with my hands and groaned. Today had been a long day... and the entrance exams to U.A start next week. What am I going to do about my quirk? I dont want anyone to know I have it. I tried to ignore the tension in my gut and decided to add the number into my phone. I added a new contact and put in the number I was given.

(Y/N)- Is this Toshinori?
New number- Why should I tell you? Who are you?
(Y/N)- Dont play stupid Toshinori- You know who I am.
New number- But how am I sure its you?
(Y/N)- Because who else would know you called me "Pink Cheeks" walking out of my gate?"
New number- Hmmm.... Are you sure its you Pink Cheeks?
(Y/N)- FOR CHRISTS SAKE ALL MIGHT! Of course its me!
-you have changed this contact's name to "Toshinori"-
Toshinori- Im just messing with ya' kid. Whats up?
(Y/N)- Well, I need some advice..
Toshinori- On what subject?
(Y/N)- Well you know about the entrance exams right?
Toshinori- Of course I do- what of them?
(Y/N)- Well, im worried about the Quirk thing...
Toshinori- How so?
(Y/N)- Well, I dont want anyone to know about my quirk, you and Izuku are the only two that know- My aunt doesnt even know about the details of my quirk.
Toshinori- Okay, thats understandable. Well, you can talk to the princable about it, I can go with you if you'd like- Plus, he is also going to want to know more about the age aspect of your enrollment.
(Y/N)- Wait- you can go with me?
Toshinori- Yeah, I did go to that school and Im the number one hero- plus theres another reason I can go inside that no one knows about.
(Y/N)- What do you mean by that..?
Before he was able to respond, my phone startsd vibrating- someone was calling me. It was Izuku!
"Hey (Y/N)! I totally forgot to message you when I made it home and I didnt want you to worry. I made it home, and my mom says to tell you 'Hi'." I chuckle- His mom was very sweet, Id met her a couple times. She was very kind to me.
"Its fine Izuku, and tell her I say hi back! Just make sure you message Toshi too."
"U-uh.... Heh... All Might is what I meant."
"O-oh! Yeah. Thanks for reminding me. Well, im going to go now! Ill talk to you tomorrow morning!" I said goodbye to him too and he hung up, so I opened my messages again.

Toshinori- Thats classified information for now- Im litrally not allowed to tell anyone. But i can say that I have some relation with U.A.
(Y/N)- Awe, your no fun.
Toshinori- Hey, its not my choice.
(Y/N)- I know, I know. But I still want to know!
Toshinori- You'll find out soon enough. Now I would love to keep chatting, but you need to get some sleep for training tomorrow- your a totall buzzkill when you dont sleep.
(Y/N)- I hate to admit your right... Ill go get some sleep. You try and get some sleep as well. Goodnight!
I left the chat and hopped in bed. Then my mind started running wild about Toshinori and all that had happened today. I opened the chat again.
(Y/N)- Okay I know this is random- but can you even sleep with the wound on your side?
Toshinori- Yes.
Toshinori- It may keep me from eating a lot and makes be cough up blood, but it doesnt make it so J cant sleep- I almost always do.
(Y/N)- Ah, okay~ Well in that case, im actually going to sleep now.
Toshinori- I dont belive that for a second- I know that your going to have a thousand more questions.
I knew he was right. I started asking question after question about him, his life as a hero, his past, and everything I could ask.He answered almost everything pretty well, it i didnt pry into the ones he didnt answer clearly. We kept talking for about an hour, until I started falling asleep. I wished him goodnight and I fell asleep with him on my mind.
My dreams that night were strange, but in a good way... The strange thing was that Toshinori was in all of them. He kept calling me by "Pink Cheeks", and when i woke up, I was definately living up to the name. What was this feeling I had? I'd never felt it before... I didnt think about it for most of the morning as I ate. While I finished my morning routine, I sang some if my favorite songs. I would sing for about an hour every morning, just because it was something i enjoyed. I normally would stop once I left the house for my morning jog, but today was a little different- I couldnt stop thinking  Toshi. I had my headphones on, softly singing with the songs I heard. Much to my suprise, All Might was at the beach.. I couldnt help but think about the fact that his hero form is just as attractive as his smaller. He was a good ammount taller, with large muscles, slicked back hair, his hearty tone, just about everything changes in that form...Yet he still has those beautiful, bright blue eyes. They gleam whem he lets out a hearty laugh, or even when he gives you a small smirk. He was... almost perfect in my eyes. Sure he was a little on the annoying side from time to time in his hero form, but he was amazing nonetheless.
I jogged up to him, not realizing I was still singing. He turned and looked at me and he gave me a huge grin. But it didnt look like his signature smile... It looked, genually happy. He looked back at the water as I took off my headphones.
"You are a nice singer, you know." I looked at him again, and again, lived up to my nickname. I really need to work on that...
"Im really not- I haven't had any training for it."
"You dont need training to be good at a hobby young (Y/N). Your voice is well trained on its own. However if you want to start training your voice, you can ask Present Mike for lessons- belive it or not he is a very good singer!"
"Well he has to train his voice for his quirk, I dont. I just sing for fun, usually when I take care of my garden..." I saw steam coning from around All Might- he was laughing and spitting blood. "Wait, you have a garden?!" I looked at him and nodded. He looked at me again, realizing what he had just said. I handed him a tissue to wipe the blood off his mouth. He nodded his head as a thank you. "Im sorry (Y/N), that was rude of me. I just never thought you would be one to have a garden, especially with your quirk." I chuckled as I watched him clean himself up. He smudged some on his lip, so I used my finger to wipe it away, watching him turn as red as a tomato.
"Well now mister nuber one hero, who's 'Pink Cheeks' now?" I giggled as he tried to make an answer. He hung his head and laughed as his words fumbled together.
"Well... I mean, everyone thinks that the blood I spit is freakish, but you didnt even flinch- you helped me no less..." I realized that not many people actually cared for him on a daily basis. Just Recovery girl and some close friends of his, and Izuku would help whenever he could.
"Well Toshi, its pretty normal to see blood for me. I litrally take mine out of my body and light it on fire." He looked at me and chuckled. "You know kid. You really are something..." I made eye contact with him and he silently put the tissue away. I just couldnt get enough of him... He had been so kind towards me for the past couple weeks, and hes given me advice for school and just for a better home life... Then I saw steam again. I looked up to see All Might with a pink dust on his cheeks...What was that about?
"NOW THEN YOUNG (Y/N)! LETS GET YOU TO U.A! HOLD ON TIGHT!" The next thing I knew I was in the arms of All Might, gripping onto his shirt for dear life. He leaped into the air, going across town to U.A. It only took a couple seconds before I was in front of the large building. There werent many people there, just a man with tall blonde hair, and a man who looked like he hadnt slept in weeks... Present Mike and Eraserhead- two of my favorite heros, aside from All Might.
All Might steamed back to his normal form and walked up to Eraserhead and started talking. I stood next to him, listening.
"Hey Izawa- (Y/N) here has sone questions about the entrance exams." Eraserhead looked at me and signalled for all of us to follow. I again, was silent next to All Might as we walked into the office. The three heros sat down on the sofa to the left, and All Might quietly told me to go sit at the chair in front of the desk. I did so, and the chair behind the desk turned from the window to me. It was a small animal, who looked quite small compared to the large chair. It looked like a... Bear? Or mabey a cat..? As confused as I was, I didnt say anything about it. He hopped out of the chair and walked up to me- he was shorter than I expected...
"Hello there (Y/N)! I'm your new principal! Ill answer any questions you have about U.A! Now, i heard that you had some concerns about the entrance exams?" I looked at All Might and he gave me a snall nod.
"I dont want anyone to know my quirk, knowing my background... And I heard that there will be a quirk test in front of everyone in part of the exams..?" The small creature I would now be calling my principle looked at me and smiled. "You have no need to worry, we can get that all taken care of! While yes, there is a quirk test, we are able to bypass it for some students due to certian rules towards quirks now." I let out a sigh of relief. That was one thing lifted off my shoulders... "And Mr.Principle?" He again looked at me, waiting for my question. "w-wou- er.... wo-" I cursed myself for studdering so much. "I shouldnt be asking such a stupid question like that."
"Ah, nevermind- I forgot my question!" He smiled and threw up his small paws. "Not to worry (Y/N)! Just come to me whenever you need, or remember your question!" I stood up from my chair and bowed to him, thanking him for his time. He said he would contact me once the entrance exam fiasco was taken care of. I also thanked Eraserhead and Present Mike for helping me.
"Mr. Eraserhead?" He looked at me with dull eyes. "I know this may be strange to ask, but er... could I get your a-autographs?" Present Mike smiled widely and gently took the book I had out of my hand. He then looked at me and winked humorously. "Sure thing kid!" He signed it happily and Eraserhead signed as well. "Here you go." He again looked at me and gave me back the book. I gently bowed and thanked them again.  As we walked away and I waved goodbye, I started thinking about the talk with the principle.

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