Chapter 25

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Hey guys! Just an FYI, this is the chapter for the entrance exams! I am putting it in a flashback/daydream format, so it might be a little bit different than the regular chapters. Also, there will be multiple parts to the 'daydream', as I dont want one chapter to be super long.

Happy reading!! 

I walked to one of the benches, sitting down happily as I watched my two favorite people. Izuku was running back and forth, with Toshinori cheering him on. Occasionally he would transform, mainly for motivation. I watched as Isuku worked harder and harder, until my mind started to space out.

(Here it is!)

I walked onto the campus... a familliar place to me. I knew this place inside and out, I had studied all the maps. We were directed to a large room, which seemed to be a dual classroom. I sat down, and a few other students started to trickle in. I was about thirty minutes early, so it was still pretty quiet. I started looking around, when something caught my eye. Bright yellow hair... It was Present Mic! I clutched onto my notebook, remembering that he had signed it. I looked around for any other teachers, but there didnt seem to be any. I was so excited to see him, he was just as amazing as last time. He seemed to just be sitting around, humming some tunes. I could faintly hear him, but as soon as I knew what song he was humming, I started along with him. He was humming (favorite song), and very well at that. I got up, and walked over to him. Suprisingly his headphones werent on, he was just... sitting there.
"E-excuse me... Present Mic?"
He turned his head to me, and his face suddenly lit up.
"Heya kid! You're the one from earlier arent you?"
"H-heh.. Yep!"
"Coolio! And your name is (Y/N), if I remember correctly?"
I felt a sting go through my body, I hated being called my old name.
"A-ah... That's how I was introduced.. But that's actually why I wanted to talk to you."
"Alright, what's up listener?"
"Well... I dont want to be adressed as that name. I belive I talked to Mr.Nezu about this, but I dont think I gave him confirmation.."
He gave me his full attention, and waited for me to finish my sentence. I was trying so hard not to break down, I felt like everything was trying to push into my chest.
"W-well... I would r-rather be adressed as (M/N)..."
"Thanks for coming to me with your request. I'm sure we can work that out, it's not too late to adjust some paperwork."
He got up, and patted the top of my head.
"No big deal! Why dont we go sort this out before the exams start?"
He smiled, and told me to follow him. We took a shortcut to Nezu's office, and he knocked. Before long, we were greeted by the small animal.
"Hello there Present Mic! Ah, and (Y/N) too."
We both bowed, saying hello to him.
"Please, sit down."
He did, and Nezu sat down in his large chair.
"What can I help you with?"
I was about to talk, but then I looked at Present Mic. He smiled a little, putting his fingers up, as if to say 'I got this.' I nodded, and he started speaking.
"Well ya' see, this kiddo here has a special request regarding a name."
"A name, you say?"
This time it was his turn to look at me, then nodded.
"W-well... I've been contemplating this for a while. I belive I told you a while back that I wanted to go by another name, and I didnt want to take the common test because of my background and such.. You said I was allowed to take the private test, but I never got back to you about what name I wanted..."
"Ah, I see. Well, before we discuss this further, why would you like to change the name you are adressed by?"
"I- I uh... I'm.. W-well.."
"Take your time, dont rush it out."
I felt my nerves start to get the best of me. My head was spinning, as if my brain were running around inside my skull. My hands started to shake, along with my knees bouncing. Sweat started to run down the back of my neck.
"Shit.. Not now!"
I took a deep breath, calming myself as much as I could.
"Well.. I'm... I'm a b-boy.."
"A boy?"
"The question I wanted to ask you when I first came here... With A-all Might... Was if I could... wear the male uniform... instead of the females."
"I see."
I couldnt bear to look at Nezu, or even at Mic. I heard some rustling around, and something was set on the desk in front of me.
"Here you are."
I glanced up, waiting for the worst. I picked up the paper. I tried to steady my shaking hands as I looked at the paper.
"Just put down your new name, and sign! We can work out the finer details later."

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I took out my favorite pen. I set the paper down onto the desk, signing everything I needed to.

Birth name: (F/N) (L/N)
Requested name : (M/N) (L/N)
Birth Gender: Female
Preferred gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him

I put in everything, and signed it. I was suprised that there wasnt more on the sheet.. I was expecting much more.
I gave back the paper, putting my pen away. I wiped the tears off my face, and thanked him.
"We will get this to administration, and we will let you know once it is official!"
I thanked him again, and he smiled.
"Its really not a problem. Now, why dont you two head back before the exams start?"
We both got up, and bowed before we exited.
"What is your preferred name kid?"
"A-ah.. Its (M/N).."
"(M/N).. Nice ring to it. I like it!"
He playfully finger-gunned at me, and I found it funny. We both walked back, making small talk. I couldnt belive that had just happened! After a few minutes of walking, we made it back to the auditorium type room. I thanked Mic, and he nodded.
"No prob, glad I could help."
"Oh! And.. Present Mic?"
"What's up?"
"I dont want to sound weird or anything.. But you have a really nice voice!"
His face dusted pink, and he patted my head again.
"Thanks kiddo! Your pretty good yourself!"
"W-wait.. You know what I sound like?"
"I heard you when you were coming over here. We should jam sometime!"
I smiled, and nodded.
"That would be awesome!"
"Alriight!! Well, now that we got all that handled, you should go back to your seat."
He gave me a high-five before walking up to the podium on the stage. There was about five minutes before everything started, which was a relief to me. I sat back down, replaying everything that had just happened. There was a weight lifted off my shoulders, but I felt so... vulnerable. I had just cried in front if not only one of my favorite heros, bit in front of my hopefully, soon-to-be principle.

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