Chapter 23

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I went limp, my orgasm taking over my body. Toshinori came up, slightly licking his top lip.
"You taste sweet~"
I chuckled at his remark, setting my arm over my face.
"Sit and cool down for a minute or two, I'll grab you some clothes."
"T-thank you.."
"Of course~"
I shakily pulled myself up, putting my towel on top of me.
"He manages to nearly kill me every time... I can't imagine what his hero form is like.."
My dirty thoughts didnt help me any, as I started giggling- I felt like I was on an adrenaline high! I sounded like a madman on helium when Toshinori walked back in. He walked up to me with a glass of water and some fresh clothes in hand, then set them down and looked at me funny.
"What's so amusing?"
He smirked, poking my shoulder.
"Did I do something?"
"N-no, just.... I dont trust my own head!"
"And why is that?"
"Let's just say that.... Some thoughts should be left out of mind~"
"Like what?"
He hopped up onto the bed, sitting crossed legged. I tried to calm my laughter, still chuckling as I took a drink of my water.
"Just you.."
"So I did do something~."
"Not nessaserily~"
He came up and say next to me, putting his arm around my waist.
"Your hands are so cold, shit!"
"I just washed them."
"Makes sense."
"Why, are they to cold for you?"
"No, just a really big tempurature difference."
"If you put a thermometer in my mouth I would probably be about 80 degrees, give it take some."
"No wonder your still so red~"
"Shut up~ your the one who did this to me~"
"Yeah, and I'm proud of it~"
I let out a chuckle and wrapped one of his bangs around my finger.
"How much does everything change?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, when you transform, everything gets bigger, right? Do you know by how much?"
"I would say everything grows by about three times what it was."
"....holy shit."
"If your thinking about what I think you are, then now you know why I havent changed with you."
"No shit..."
"At least I'm your dork."
"You sure are~"
He patted my side before getting back up.
"You should probably put on your clothes soon, if you still want to go see young Midoria."
"I don't know if I will be able to train, thanks to you."
He stuck his tongue out a tad, smiling.
"I wont diss you for it- it was totally worth it."
"How long even is your tongue??"
He chuckled, opening his mouth a little more and sticking his tongue all the way out- It went way past his chin, going half the way down his neck.
"....mother of Jesus help me.."
"I didnt even use all of it."
"How do you manage to keep that in your mouth?!"
"Lots of getting used to. It feels weird when I transform though."
"The reason its so long is because when I transformed the first few times, it streached it. And because it's a muscle, it didnt really willingly grow with the rest of me- causing it to permanently streach out."
"Can you even feel all of it?"
"Most of it. I cant feel the sides very well, but depending on what I eat its perfectly fine."
"..that's insane."
"What, the eating thing..?"
"No, the transformation thing.. Do you know why it didnt grow with the rest of you?"
"No idea.. Just did for some reason."
"Eh, its whatever. Makes for a cool party trick though."
"Party trick..?"
"I'll have to show you sometime."
I nodded, and he winked at me before walking out of the room.
"Man.... I dont know what I would do without him."
I shook my thoughts out of my head and wobbled off the bed- setting out the clothes Toshi brought me earlier.
There was a (Favorite band) v-neck shirt, a pair of underwear, and some ripped blue jeans that I could see.
"How did he know?"
I smiled, throwing on the underwear and pants. I grabbed my belt from the closet, swiftly putting it on. I grabbed the shirt, going to put it on- then something caught my eye. There was a note, on top of something wrapped in blue tissue paper.


I know that times are rough right now, especially with going into UA soon. I was talking with an old friend of mine, who is going through something simaller...He explained a few things to me that he used to feel, that you've said that you are feeling now.. And I want to help you as much as I can. So, I wanted to get this for you. If you dont want it, that is compleaty fine. But after talking with him, he said that this might be something you would appreciate... And I hope this makes you feel more like yourself.

Toshinori Yagi x reader smut! [🍋] (SLOW UPDATE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ