Chapter 29

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His face distorted in fear and anger, with confusion as well.
"Hey... Izuku? You're muttering again..."
He snapped out of it, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"O-oh, sorry! I was just thinking... why would they wipe the memories of someone who knew..?"
I let out a short sigh.
"We-... I.. am a special kind of detective. The work I do requires me to keep my identity and quirk hidden from anyone when I work. To a lot of people, I'm quirkless. All of my information related to my quirk is locked up tight, not even all of my co-workers know what it is.
"I do a special type of detective work. Its... Kinda hard to explain. Plus, withour my license yet, I cant let my quirk be public information. And if people find out my old name, some pretty... weird things could be brought back up."
"...what do you mean?"
I looked at Toshinori, who looked just as confused.
"Its probably time I told you guys this anyway... But... do you know about the Magma drug called FireFall?"
"Its the most deadly drug on the black market... Theres only so much of it too, so everyone gets pretty hostile about it.."
"Do you know how its made?"
They both nodded no. I held out my hands, bringing a tiny bit of blood to the air, making a small demonstration as I explained.
"People take pure magma out of the earth... It has to be handled and turned in a certian way for it to become a drug. This type of magma they used is extreamly hot, so hot that even most fire quirks can't handle it. And even if they do manage to hold it, they cant minipulate and crush it.. Unlike me."
I looked up at their faces, both of them filled with shock.
"FireFall was something I was forced to do. I made a majority of what's on the market, mine was some of the best out there... I was able to collect more than the average ammount, and I could use my own blood to make it more mallable and stronger.. I did it for years, until I moved here. This was one of the few places my true last name isnt known... But ever since my aunt changed her name, my name changed as well. So im off the grid.. And all my information has stayed a secret, especially with my work... because technically, I was forced to be a criminal... Just, before it was illegal."
Izuku's eyes widened, his face even paler than before.
I nodded slightly, and looked at my feet.
"I didnt want to to tell you guys...Im not proud of it.
"If (L/N) isn't your real name.... i-if you dont mind me asking, what was it..?"
I felt a shiver go down my spine- I was terrified of what he might qant to do with the information... But I knew I could trust him.
"O-oh... It's-"
"Here you are!"
Before I could finish my sentence, our bowls were set in front of us. They smelled delightful, and we all couldnt wait to dig in. We all thanked the waiter and happily ate, all our cares fading away. We chatted about random things, training, all sorts of things- before long, we were done eating. I paid the bill, we thanked the waiter again, and we left. The three of us walked in silence for a while, and I could tell that Izuku was a bit uncomfortable.
"Were you really a...a villan?"
I let out a sigh, scratching the back of my head.
"In a way, yeah... But Ive changed my ways, as the laws have changed. It cant be made anymore, hopefully soon enough the entirety of the drug and its case will fade out."
I looked to my left, where Toshi was. He had a look on his face that I couldn't quite make out. I leaned over to Izuku, telling him we were going to sit down for a minute.
"Do you want me to wait for you?"
"No.. Your house is right down the street, we shouldnt keep your mom waiting."
"Oh, okay... Well, text me if you need anything."
He said his goodbyes to Toshi and I, and we sat down on a nearby bench.
"H-hey...Are you okay..?"
He looked at me, then put his head in his hands.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner...?"
"W-what do you mean?"
I saw a wave of anger and sadness wipe over him, his hands were tight and veiny, his body gently shaking.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were a criminal? You told me that you had nothing to hide. But really, what else are you hiding? Anything else we need to discuss?"
I leaned over, trying to wrap my arm around his to comfort him.
"Babe, I didnt want to tell you because I've changed my-"
Before I could get my arm around him, he shook me off.
"Dont touch me."
I felt a cold shiver go through my body, tears welling in my eyes. He got up, tears streaming down his face.
"I-im sorry... I have to go."
He quickly transformed and ran off, leaving me alone. I opened my phone, trying to turn on my flashlight, but failing, as I couldnt see through all the tears. I started walking home, eventually running.
"Please be there, please be there.."
I hoped will all my heart that Toshi would be at the house. I ran as fast as I could, my hair hitting my steaming face. I opened the door as quickly as possible, only to find it empty of anyone else. I closed the door with my foot, collapsing onto the carpet.
I felt my heart sink to my stomach.
My tears turned to blood.
"Why...why did I say anything about it..?"
My hands were cramping, my body loosing feeling. My head stung, and my eyes felt like they were burning.
I managed to keep hold of myself, knowing that I needed to talk to him. I picked up my phone, calling Toshinori.
"Hello there! I am currently not available at the moment, so please leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I am able."
A loud ringing filled my ears as the dial tone beeped.
"Toshi....Its me... Please, lets talk about it... Call me back when you can..?"
I ended the call, leaning back and resting my back against the wall.
"What have I done...?"

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