Chapter 76: "Yes, I will."

Start from the beginning

"Are you still going to do something? Or are you going to retrait like a bitch?" Lance interrupts our conversation.

I expect him to beat the shit out of this childman, but to my surprise, he just shakes his head. "I don't know."

Dash seems so focused, checking the high school girls out. He let's out a whistle and then turns around at us with a smile on his face. "How come you've got some hot chicks in school?"

-How alert he is to notice something like that, but not observe his friends current condition.-

I send him a glare and expect Lance to be doing it aswell. Sadly, you can't relay on that sick bastard.

"That's what I said too!" The childman looks like his mood lightend up.

"Alright. Let's go." I drag Sam out of the car.

He widens his eyes at me. "W-Wait! I'm not ready yet. Like what do I say? What if she rejects me? Where is my paper?" -Wow, I didn't know it did that...-

I laugh at him panicking. "Are you completely losing it? What paper, bro? You need to speak openly, if you want to win Crystal's heart."

"I guess." He looks nervous, especially when people stare at him. "Do you think she'll like the ring?"

"She'll love it." I assure my best friend and hope this reliefs him a bit. -He spent hours, looking for the right present during the weekend. Another reason, why I think they should date already. He's being serious for once!-

"Okay." He quietly says and looks around."Why are people looking at me? I'm sweating, aren't I?" -Okay, what the fuck? Of course people would look at someone, who's new and looks good. Not bragging or anything, but honestly Sam has the beauty standard features...Honestly, He's much more worse than he drama queens in my classroom.-

"What the fuck are you talking about? You look completely fine. You'll do good, trust me. " I say with a smile and he let's out a sigh.

"Thanks man, for having my back." He smiles back at me.

We walk into the middle of the crowd. I sense some direct stares at us around some corners.

Kace, Kim, Blair and Amanda head towards us, wishing Sam the best of luck. I smile at Amanda and she returns it.

"I ship them a lot." She admits.

"Same here." I respond back. "How was your holiday?"

"It was alright. I mean, Nath and Court made it kinda special. You know, I've known them for a long time, so spending holidays with them is special to me."

-Listening her talk about her best friends, makes me kinda jealous. I wish she would talk about me like that too... Am I being too selfish for wishing that though?...-

"If you spent the day with me instead- " I blurt out and she looks at me. -Darn it! Since you've already started it, you might as well end it, you jerk! Why the fuck am I talking to myself?!- "Umm... would it... be special?"

I curse myself for being this clingy. She stares at me with her full grey eyes and then a smile appears on her lips. "Y-yeah. Why do you ask?" -It's hard to resist from hugging her tight right now.-

I catch myself smiling and flushing. "I was just curious, I guess?" Her smile is still remaining on her lips.

Dash and Lance arrive a little later, with obvious smirk on their faces. -Perverts.-

About a few minutes, we spot Courtney and Nath leading Crystal to our direction.

Sam smiles all widely at her, as if he hasn't seen her for years. She looks confused, but smiles back anyways.

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