63 | Him

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I shifted nervously, my heart racing. Shouto's mother and sister flitted around me with my female friends. They were all pouring with words of encouragement, I was still nervous though.

"Do you think everything will be okay though?" My hands flitted through the air as I spun nervously, smoothing my dress as I began pacing. I was careful not to touch my hair though, just in case I didn't change my mind and I didn't want to ruin it.

"What if something goes wrong? What if he changes his mind in five years? What if-"

"He wont." Fuyumi grabbed my arms, holding me still and forcing me to stare at her with my wide eyes. "Shouto doesn't change his mind once he decides he wants something. Something is going to go wrong today, but thats what we're here for." She smiled brightly. "You wont ever know it went wrong, because we'll make sure it never becomes important. Okay?"

I nodded slowly as the rest of the girls excitedly cheered. "Okay."

"Great! Now come on, we've got to get to outside those doors before the music starts!"

I hesitated once more, but followed the excited girls across the building. I took several deep breaths as my uncle flipped my veil over my face with a wide smile. "Im proud of you, I know your mother and father wouldve been too." He wrapped my hand around his arm with a small smile and began leading me towards the room. "Shouto will take good care of you, and I know they both wouldve loved him just as much as we all do."

I bit my lip and nodded slightly, willing away the tears as we entered the room. Everyone was there. Akito, Shiro, Hikaru, Tadashi, Kazumi, Daichi, Hadashi, Ace, Jacob, Angel, Emma, Bri, his entire family, and....Shouto.

He smiled as we reached him, taking me away from my uncle with a small thank you, before we proceeded. We went through the actual ceremony without a hitch, saying our vows and i do's without crying. Shouto did at least, I teared up, though I managed to get through them.

After the whole ceremony and all the dancing, Shouto pulled me into a seperate room and locked the door. I leaned against the wall and simply laughed as he hugged me.

"Hey Shouto? We're married." I giggled, my hands tightened around his shoulders, and I pressed my face into his shoulder. Shouto exhaled as he pressed his hand against the small of my back.

"Yeah." He shifted and pressed his face against my hair, which was miraculously still in its half updo. "Yeah we are."

I laughed. "God, When I first met you I never wouldve thought we'd end up here." I whispered, inhaling his scent. I felt Shouto's grip on me tighten before he pulled back, placing his lips gently over mine. Despite having dated him for years, I never failed to blush when we kissed, and that fact didn't change now.

His hand cupped my face as he stepped forward, pressing me against the wall. I felt the coldness of it seep through my dress as I was pressed flush against it. Shouto tilted my head, and I felt his tongue slip into my mouth.

I leaned into the kiss, pushing my tongue against his in an attempt to win the small battle. Shouto pressed back, his tongue easily defeating mine and holding it down for several seconds to confirm he'd won. I didn't try to protest again as he tilted my head, his hand pressing against my hair.

"Hmmm, Sh-mhhph, Shouto."

He pulled away, chuckling lightly as he pushed my hair out of my face, "I love you Emiko." He whispered as he examined my face.

I smiled slightly and cupped his face with both my hands. "I love you too Shouto."

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