"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't want to constantly hear the song that had been played at the wedding your grandfather ordered me to be murdered at!" Robb found himself arguing with Annalys, "The same grandfather you, for some odd reason, love so much, even after everything."

Robb couldn't understand how the hell Annalys ever grew to like the song during their separation years before. They nearly died while that same song played, but after spending several months with Tywin in King's Landing, she grew to love the song and the history behind it. It didn't ease well with Robb, the thought of his wife actually admiring and looking up to the notorious Tywin Lannister like he was some hero.

He was able to accept many of the things that came to being the husband of not just any Lannister, but the head of House Lannister. However, one thing he could never understand was how even after spending nearly three years fighting against the man in war, Annalys grew to love her grandfather after spending just seven months with him in the capital as his second.

Not even Tywin's children loved or even admired the man as Annalys did. Annalys grew to love him like a second father and even if Tywin never admitted it, he grew to love his eldest granddaughter like he would his own child as well.

In truth, he could have only hoped to have a child like Annalys who had so much potential to be just as powerful as he was, if not more.

And in the end, she did just that. It was just a crying shame he didn't get to see it for himself.

Not only did Annalys ensure the Lannister dynasty would last thousands of years, she placed them on the throne.

If Tywin was alive, he would have been proud of Annalys. He would have been proud that Annalys had made up for the fact that if she hadn't been born or fought on the Lannister's side, the Lannisters would have died out after being ruled by any other surviving descendant of the Lord Tywin.

Robb was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as he turned his head to see Annalys placing her dress back on. "What are you doing?" He asked in concern, watching as Annalys began to walk toward the door, "I thought we were going to bed."

"I have some unfinished work to do," Annalys told him, but Robb knew it was just an excuse to leave the room due to clearly being pissed at him, "I'll be returning late. You might as well go to bed without me."

Robb sighed, beginning to follow after Annalys. The door opened and Annalys found Ser Edric, Ser Rickard, and Ser Edmyn posted outside the chamber door.

While Ser Edric followed after Annalys to escort her as she did whatever she planned to do, the two other knights remained where they were.

"Annalys, wait!" Robb called out, only to be ignored by Annalys.

Robb attempted to chase after Annalys, but before he could make it out of the doorway, Ser Rickard and Ser Edmyn stepped forward, blocking his path.

They blocked the door, making it so that Robb couldn't leave his and Annalys' chambers to chase after his wife. "You must be kidding me," He scoffed loudly, glaring at both knights who chose obeying the queen over their king.

Despite Annalys officially making their power equal, Robb knew for a fact when it came to the royal Queensguard, they'd always follow Annalys' orders over his. It was the reason he wanted someone of his own in the royal household. Brienne of Tarth was that person. The person who had been suggested by Catelyn herself to protect her son.

Hours had passed and Robb still wasn't able to leave the room to find his wife. It was the middle of the night when she finally returned, but Robb had already fallen asleep by then, despite trying to fight his fatigue as much as he could.

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora