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Jungkook drove Jimin to his own house and luckily neither of his parents were home, both probably working very hard at their respective companies.

Jungkook was lucky to have such a good upbringing, his Father doing so much work to provide and even his Mother being a poised businesswoman. However, Jaehwa always managed to make sure she was at home whenever Jungkook was, so she only worked during school hours.

Which was great for today since Jungkook needed to do some self maintenance at home before his first official date with Park Jimin.

"I shouldn't be too long, I wanna look nice today but not over the top, we don't need any more attention than we're bound to get anyway." Jungkook chuckled as he raced upstairs to his bedroom, leaving Jimin to admire the photos in the Jeon family's living room.

He'd seen them all a thousand times but never had the chance to really appreciate them alone. There were quite a few of himself as a child, and the occasional photo of the two boys together.

In almost every photo with both of them, they had frowns on their faces... except the photo of when they first met.

Jimin almost aged 2 with his chubby cheeks and big round eyes, staring with a gleeful gummy smile at the tiny baby wrapped in blue blankets, at that age Jungkook wouldn't have even known how to smile properly, but you could tell he was looking at Jimin with such wonder and joy in his eyes.

It made Jimin's chest hurt, if only they'd stayed that way, if only they hadn't grown up stubborn and just accepted that they had enough in common to at least be friends.

But he didn't dwell on it for long, he couldn't really, not when Jungkook's feet were heard plodding down the steps behind him. He smiled warmly at the young alpha, Jungkook had done exactly what he said he'd do, look nice, but not over the top.

"You look so handsome... you always do." Jimin found himself blushing as Jungkook grinned widely at him, "and you look like an angel. The most beautiful and precious little angel ever." He wrapped his arms loosely around Jimin's waist and the shorter boy stood onto his tiptoes to peck a soft kiss to Jungkook's lips.

"Okay now lets go, I wanna get the most time out of today as we can." The younger boy grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him back toward the front door.


"Seriously where is he?" Namjoon's eyebrows were furrowed in worry and frustration as he glared down at his phone, "honestly Joon you're worrying too much, I'm sure he's fine, Jungkook's not at school either so maybe their parents dragged them both somewhere, it wouldn't surprise me considering it's Jimin's birthday." Hoseok shrugged, trying to reassure his alpha friend.

"But Hoseok you just don't get it, he at least texts back, whether he answers the phone or not he always texts back. And I think he would've warned his boyfriend he wouldn't be coming into school even if it was a surprise thing his parents have done." Namjoon sighed before calling Jimin again.

"Hey Joon... you... you do remember this whole thing's fake right?" Hoseok frowned and Namjoon's eyes widened for a moment, his frown softened and he blinked in shock before putting his phone down and ending the call.

"Yes of course I remember, I just... I still care about him as a friend you know? I'm still worried." He justified himself and before Hoseok could respond Seokjin came walking down the hall toward them.

"Hi guys, Yoongi dropped me off this morning but then he said he wasn't coming in today, I felt so bad about asking him to bring me in- I can't believe he said yes considering he wasn't even planning on coming here!" Jin laughed slightly and Hoseok frowned, "Why isn't he coming in?"

I'll Never Want You • Jikook Omegaverse AU (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now