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Once school ended Jimin and his friends met in the car park outside; Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin all drove to school each day, Jimin did sometimes but his Eomma had driven him in that day- Tae and Hoseok had both walked.

Taehyung was too shy to go in anyone's car without Jimin- not knowing the others well enough yet, and Jimin had of course already decided to go with his boyfriend Namjoon. That left Hoseok to decide whether to squeeze in with the others, go with his close friend Seokjin, or to travel with Yoongi in hopes of getting a little closer to him.

He thought that maybe going with Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon would give him and the newest little addition to their group a chance to bond, but he also wanted that bonding time with Yoongi- and didn't particularly want to leave Jin to drive by himself if he wanted a friend.

"Hobi, are you coming with me?" The beta asked and he smiled in response, "I can if you want, are you okay following on alone Yoongi-Hyung?" He replied before smiling sweetly toward the mint haired alpha.

"Yeah I'll be fine, just means I get to listen to my music super loud and be unsociable for the remaining time I have before being stuck with all of you." Yoongi grinned and Jimin laughed, hitting him slightly.

"You'll have fun hyung- plus studying together is so much better than alone, we'll learn so much more together!" The omega smiled and Yoongi ruffled his messy blonde hair making him scrunch up his nose, "whatever, see you there."

They all got in their respective cars, Jimin deciding he'd be a nice friend and sit in the back with Taehyung, so Namjoon could concentrate on driving and Tae wouldn't feel like such a third wheel to the couple.

"I love your hoodie by the way Jimin." The beta complimented and the small boy blushed, "thank you, it's super cosy." He replied bashfully, holding his sweater paws up to his cheeks, "Remember to give me directions Jimin I've never been to your place before." Namjoon called from the front as they pulled out of the car park.

"Oh yeah- of course."



"Yes Eomma!?"

"We haven't been to the Park family's house in over a week, I would like to catch up with Miyoung, wouldn't you like to visit Jimin-Ah?"

Jungkook sighed and put his pen down, he was in the middle of studying but the last three times his mother had asked if they could visit the Park's he had made the same excuse...

"Sure Eomma. Let me just pack up my books, I'll study with him." He called down the stairs in response and picked up a bag from the floor to shove his things inside.

Once he'd got everything together he made his way down the steps and was faced with his brightly smiling mother, "what's got you so excited?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and she mimicked his expression.

"Don't you look at me like that young man, what's got you so miserable?" She countered and he sighed, "I'm just tired, but don't worry, sorry Eomma." He mumbled and she tutted before opening the front door and shooing her son out before her.


"Jimin honey?"

Miyoung called for her son up the stairs but was confused when she got no response, considering the size of their house- noise actually travelled quite far, and currently she could hear the loud chatter and happy laughter coming from her son's bedroom.

She had received a text from Jaehwa asking if her and Jungkook could come to visit, she knew that meant the Beta mother had already left their house and was on her way so didn't even bother to text back, however due to the incessant sound of her son and clearly a number of other people chatting away in his bedroom- the Omega thought it only right to make sure Jimin was ready for Jungkook to arrive.

I'll Never Want You • Jikook Omegaverse AU (Discontinued) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon