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By lunchtime Jimin had managed to avoid most people who wanted to ask questions, he'd had one run-in with an alpha who wanted to try his luck, arrogantly claiming that Jimin could do better than Namjoon and that he should give this unknown alpha a chance to prove he was worth it.

Jimin of course shut him down and wormed his way out of the situation before it could get worse, and luckily that was the only occasion that morning where somebody had actually outright spoken to him about his newfound relationship.

He was rushing to make his way to the cafeteria to find his little group of friends, when suddenly as he rounded a corner he bumped straight into someone.

"Oh- sorry, I was in a rush I wasn't looking where I was going!" He apologised feeling flustered. When he looked up from the chest he'd bumped into he saw a smirking face, one he recognised as one of Jungkook's friends.

"That's okay little Jimin-ah, it's not like you did me any harm, if anything I should be apologising to you for that sudden impact you must've had." He teased arrogantly, clearly making a statement of the fact that he was a strong and solid alpha.

"Oh, no it's alright don't apologise, what's your name anyway?" Jimin spoke, dripping with fake sweetness, the alpha looked taken aback, shocked that Jimin didn't know his name. "Well, I'm Yugyeom... K-Kim Yugeyom- I'm Jungkook's friend." He added at the end after stuttering in embarrassment.

"Ah, so you must be his age then right- so I'm Hyung to you." The omega raised a challenging eyebrow and Yugyeom scoffed, "Yeah alright omega don't get cocky. Where are you running off to in such a rush little pretty? Going to see your new boyfriend?" He spoke the word omega so harshly before his tone flipped, using that patronising sweetness Jimin had before.

"Yes in fact I am, so if you'll kindly let me take a rain-check on this lovely conversation we're having- then I'll be off." He spoke confidently and began walking round Yugyeom, noticing some people who had actually stopped to watch the scene- now probably disappointed nothing very interesting happened.

"Yah- hey!" Yugyeom called slightly and gripped Jimin's wrist, making the older boy turn back and frown, "let me go..." he asked quietly, not wanting to make this little scene any bigger, "don't be so rude to an alpha, precious, not all of us are so forgiving- you might have to redeem yourself now huh? What do you think is a fitting apology?"

The taller yet younger boy smirked down at Jimin and the poor omega could feel himself getting weaker under the intense haze of the alpha. "Please Yugyeom, I'm sorry." He whimpered but the boy just smirked wider, "Oh now come on, that's definitely not enough of an apology. I was thinking more along the lines of a gift for me, although it's not like that mouth would cost any money..."

Jimin's eyes snapped up to his in shock before he frowned, "let me go Yugyeom, I'm not doing anything for you, I didn't do anything wrong in the first place just- let me go!" Jimin started trying to wriggle himself free but the Alpha grabbed his other arm and pushed him against the wall.

"Come on Jimin-ah, you're making such a big scene, look at all the people watching, aren't you embarrassed, just agree with my deal and we'll go somewhere else in private, without all these watchful eyes." He leaned down and mumbled against the omega's ear.

Jimin looked around and some people were even filming them, "What is wrong with you all!? I'm practically being molested in the middle of school and you're just gonna stand there and film it!?" Jimin spat before Yugyeom moved so his forearm was pressed against Jimin's wrist and he used his thumb and forefinger to grab his chin and force the older boy to look into his eyes.

"Stop being bratty omega... you're not gonna intimidate them into stopping, so just spare yourself the embarrassment and lets go." He spoke softly, glaring into Jimin's eyes and making the smaller boy's insides shudder.

I'll Never Want You • Jikook Omegaverse AU (Discontinued) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora