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Over the next few months Jungkook had been even more off with Jimin than ever before, the older was beginning to completely lose hope in their friendship as Jungkook just brushed him aside every time he went to see him.

Whenever their parents forced them together at each other's houses they'd now sit in even more awkward silence than they had before... "Jungkook?" Jimin called meekly as they sat in the younger's room, "mm." he responded without looking up from his phone.

"Can't we like, talk?" Jimin practically begged and Jungkook shrugged, "seriously, I've been talking to Taehyung more than you! I've known you my entire life and I know we don't get on well but jeez it's been like a month since we last had a decent conversation..." Jungkook looked up to Jimin who was sulking in his desk chair.

"What is there to talk about, I don't wanna talk to you, I'm sick and tired of you- just you, I was gonna start listing things about you that piss me off but I've realised it's just you." Jungkook frowned before looking back to his phone.

"I swear we had a conversation about this, we talked about stopping the stupid arguments because you finally realised you hated me for no reason, now why have you changed your mind again?" Jimin sighed, "you had just finished seducing me when we had that conversation. That's one thing already, stop trying to seduce me I don't want you. I have a girlfriend. And all you want is everyone's affection and it's so fucking annoying, not everyone has to think you're perfect!"

Jimin could feel himself getting angry and he knows he cries when he's angry, he didn't want Jungkook to think he was crying because what he'd said had upset him... "fuck you Jeon Jungkook, don't you think I know I'm far from perfect!? I've had to grow up with you, you've told me enough about my flaws and how I'll never be good enough in your eyes, and you're right you know. I do want everyone's affection and I wish I didn't because it makes me feel like such complete shit when people don't like me... so having to spend so much time with you kills me!"

Jungkook tried to ignore him, just keep looking at this empty phone screen, don't look at him or you'll break.

"You don't even fucking care! You're such an asshole! You act like I make your life hell just by existing when in reality you go out of your way to make me feel shit about myself. If our parents weren't friends and we'd never met... shit I think I'd actually be happy." Jimin began crying as he spoke, imagining his life without Jungkook brought him both pain and peace.

He felt like maybe he'd be more arrogant if he didn't spend so much time with Jungkook, in a way it's good to have someone holding him back, everyone else thinks he's perfect, but Jungkook is constantly insulting him.

Short. Clingy. Weak. Ugly. Whiny. Chubby. Whore.

Maybe he'd be too pretentious if it weren't for Jungkook, maybe he should stop complaining and just accept the insults. But they've gotten so much worse since Jungkook got with Lalisa, with the girl planting things in his brain about how Jimin just wanted to get in Jungkook's pants.

The still naive boy believed every word she said because she was his first girlfriend and he was blind to her manipulative ways.

"Don't you hear the good stuff from everyone else?" Jungkook frowned and looked at the crying boy before him in confusion, he didn't realise his opinion meant so much, "I... Yeah, I do. But it still hurts Jungkook." His voice broke slightly and Jungkook gulped, his features softening.

"I just don't like you Jimin. I am sorry, I think? I don't know, you annoy me, your presence makes me tense and I just want you gone- I associate you with feeling pissed off." Jungkook explained and sighed at himself, "I really don't know why Hyung- I wasn't lying when we had that conversation, I don't really know exactly why I dislike you so much I just get in a bad mood whenever you're around. Plus Lisa doesn't like you, and she's my girlfriend, of course her opinion matters."

I'll Never Want You • Jikook Omegaverse AU (Discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora