BONUS CHAPTER #3: "Just Friends"

Start from the beginning

"Naruto, listen..." Jiraiya spoke. "I don't mean to make you feel down about what's been going on with you in terms of the urges you've been having towards Nia. I'm here for you."

Naruto headed to the edge of the bed and sat down on it, his elbows on his knees and his cheeks to his palms.

"I just... I just don't know what's wrong with me..." He sighed. "I can't stop thinking about Curly Brow... She's all I think about lately. I can't stop wanting to hold her... wanting to protect her... wanting to do everything I can to make sure she's happy."

"I see..."

"She's my friend and yet I... and yet I keep dreaming or feeling the urge to do all these things to her. Things that are just... well, you know... erotic."

Jiraiya also sighed and made his way to the bed, sitting beside his pupil.

"I hear you, Naruto."

"Pervy Sage, I'm not becoming some huge creepy pervert, am I?" The genin turned his head.

"Of course not, Naruto. You're just maturing into a young man is all."

"A young man?" The blond blinked.

The toad sage rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's face it... you're not a little kid anymore..." He said. "It's natural for you to want to have sex at the age you're at right now. A lot of guys your age have erotic dreams about women all the time whether they know them or not. There's nothing for you to feel ashamed about."

"But Curly Brow... she's so sweet. She doesn't deserve to have me dreaming and thinking about her so lewdly."

"It's obvious you're experiencing this urge because you have feelings for her."

"Guh... would you quit saying that I already? I like Sakura."

"Well can you at least admit you feel attracted to Nia?"

Naruto looked away.

Jiraiya released yet another sigh.

How annoying... Nia thinks Naruto thinks she's ugly and so won't confess to him while Naruto is just completely oblivious and outright in denial about his feelings for her...

"You're so in denial, Naruto..."

"N-No I'm not! I know how I feel about Nia and attraction isn't it."

"Did you not just have a clone turn into her so you can have sex with her... I mean... it?"

Naruto's cheeks burned.

"You've clearly grown attracted to her, kid."

"Geez, would you quit calling me a kid? I thought you said I was a young man now?"

"I call anyone under thirty, maybe twenty-five, a kid."

Naruto frowned.

"Guh... maybe I am just a little kid...? I've never had sex. I wouldn't even know what I'm doing if Nia did give me the chance to hold her."

"Trust me, you'll get the hang of it eventually. And just because you've never had sex doesn't make you a little kid. It just makes you someone who lacks experience. Likewise, if a thirteen-year-old had sex, it doesn't necessarily make them an adult... just someone who got to experience sex."

"Just because I'm "maturing" still doesn't make it right for me to dream about Nia so erotically and wanting to touch her."

"It's still the truth of it all though."

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