Chapter 49: Blindness Of The Heart

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Chapter 49: Blindness Of The Heart

Nia awakened to a knock on the front door. Earlier, Iruka had left to the academy to teach and had left Nia alone to rest throughout the morning. It was just about the afternoon as the girl peeked through the hole to see who was at the door.

She gasped and ran straight to her room to comb and brush her hair then change her clothes.

"Curly Brooow! Open up, would ya? It's me, Naruto!" The genin began to pound on the door annoyingly.

"I'll open it in a sec!" The girl yelled back as she grabbed her toothbrush in the bathroom and squeezed toothpaste over it.

"Ugh! I hate waiting, ya know!"

"Sorry to hear that!" The girl said as she brushed her teeth at the same time as she sprayed perfume all over herself as she didn't have enough time to take a shower yet.

After that, she grabbed the mouth wash and used it to freshen her breath a bit more than spat it out. The girl next went into her room and fixed her hair a up a bit more again. Finally, she placed her glasses on and went to the front door.

She took a few deep breaths.

Okay, just smile and try to be confident!

However, when she opened the door, Naruto's friendly and handsome exterior only made her a complete nervous wreck.

"H-Hi, N-Naruto," She greeted awkwardly, "G-Good morning."

"What's up?" He smiled, "I was checking by to see how you are. You don't look sick anymore."

"Y-Yeah, I feel a lot better. Thank you again for what you did for me. I... I really appreciate it."

"No problem," The genin rubbed the back of his head, "Say... is Iruka-sensei here with you by any chance?"

Nia gained her composure back and shook her head, "No. He's teaching at the academy."

"Oh right! How could I forget? Haha."

His stomach then growled. He placed his hand over it and chuckled, "S-Sorry about that. I haven't eaten yet today. I've been losing my appetite lately for some reason."

"If that's the case, come in. I can make you something if you'd like."

"Oh no, you don't-"

"Aw, its the least I can do for you since you watched over me while I was intoxicated," The kunoichi gently grabbed Naruto's wrist and pulled him inside then closed the door and locked it, "I don't mind cooking for you at all. Trust me. Just make yourself at home while I make us some breakfast, okay?"

"S-Sure." The blond nodded as he watched Nia walked to the kitchen and put on an apron around her waist then began getting things set up.

O-Oh man... Curly Brow's really... she's really going to cook for me...

"Naruto," The girl called, "Breakfast won't be served for quite some time so really... make yourself at home."

"Yeah." He nodded again then began to feel warm in the face.

She's really going to cook for me! I wonder if she's any better at it than Sakura? Those food pills of hers were disgusting, ya know.

"Hey! Anyone home?" Another knock came at the door.

Naruto went to it and peeked to see who was there.

"Pervy Sage!" The boy greeted as he opened the door, "Why are you here?"

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