Chapter 19: The Midnight Canoe

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Chapter 19: The Midnight Canoe

"So um... why are we doing this right now?" Naruto paddled as he and Nia sat in the same canoe across from one another while Jiraiya was in another larger canoe next to them with two stunning woman under his arms while two men upfront was paddling the boat for the sannin.

"Ah, stop complaining Kid and start living in the moment," The older man replied as he held a bottle of saki in one hand. It was clear he was very drunk and hardly able to make sense of everything around him. "Be grateful we're not in some sort of crises. Besides, from what I saw a few days ago, you really look like you'd enjoy Nia's company right about now."

Hearing this, Nia averted her eyes and slightly reddened while Naruto just raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What're you getting at, Pervy Sage?"

Jiraiya sighed heavily as the two women beside him giggled.

"GOLLY, how dense can you be, Naruto? Don't tell me you're trying to erase that moment you and Nia shared together the other day at that village? I swear from where I was standing, you two looked like you were just about ready to kiss or something. Quite frankly, I was surprised..."

"WHA?!" The blonde's face turned into a tomato-colored one as he then finally understood what the man was referring to.

Nia only covered her face in her hands.

"C'mon Pervy Sage, that was nothing! I was just making sure she was okay after that attack on that small village and we ended up getting a bit too close! There was nothing going on, ya know!"

"All right, I hear ya. No need to be so defensive, Naruto."

"Guh, whatever," The boy whipped his head the other way.

Meanwhile, the two women beside the sannin took note of the area surrounding them.

The moonlight was a diffuse lake above them, lessening the inky blackness of the night, but not so bright as to dull the stars that speckled and glittered in the heavens above. Being as it was that sort of time of day, they found another light source in the version of a dimming glow of the fireflies that surrounded them.

The boats glided smoothly across the crystal clear waters as it ruffled all around.

"It sure is beautiful, huh?" The brunette woman spoke as her blonde-haired friend agreed.

"It certainly is..."

"Would you beautiful ladies like to go more up stream and away from these two over there?" Jiraiya smirked while pointing his thumb at the teens.

"Why of course," The women giggled as they snuggled more up to the old man.

"Well, we're going further ahead, Naruto. You and Nia should take this chance to further along your growing friendship. And you two better not start arguing like crazy either."

"Yeah, yeah..." Naruto just kept paddling forward.

"I'll see you two later then," Jiraiya bid his farewell before instructing the paddlers for his boat to speed up. "Try not to get too caught up with this beautiful scenery either. Looks like the kind of setting where romance can ensue.."

"Goodbye, Pervy Saaaage..." The genin wanted the man to leave already as he was getting sick of his teasing.

With that, the sannin did eventual went on ahead as Naruto and Nia were now the only ones in the area. Being that she was socially awkward, Nia found it to be quite difficult to make eye contact with the blonde without looking away. She appeared to have been uncomfortable and unsure of how to start a conversation.

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