Chapter 26: A Feeling

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Chapter 26: A Feeling

The Konoha group was nearing the end of their long week journey. As of the moment, they were resting in a cabin that Yamato built out of wood. Nia was outside the cabin leaning against a tree and writing in her diary. As she finished her last sentence, she closed her book and looked ahead of her; only to see Naruto in front of her, looking intently at her in the eyes.

An awkward silence fell upon the two.

Naruto didn't think anything was weird but Nia did. She looked away from his gaze.

"Why are you looking at me so closely?" She asked uncomfortably, "And how long have you squatted there?"

Naruto's eyes were crystal blue and large. They were almost beautiful to look at. So full of color and liveliness that Nia refused to stare into them.

Blue eyes were never my preference but... His eyes are starting to look real nice to me...

"I have to keep an eye out for you. If I don't, Iruka-sensei will kill me if you escape or if something bad happens to you." Naruto answered.

"But Naruto..." Nia made eye contact with the boy again, "You're like..."

Her face grew warm.

Too close to me...

Naruto was unaware that his proximity to the kunoichi was making her somewhat shy. His innocent nature made him blind to his actions. Nia, on the other hand, wasn't so innocent and thought of affectionate things.

'If he leans any closer, our lips will touch...' She blushed harder at the thought of being that close to her sibling student, 'I don't wanna be kissed this soon... I don't even like him that much. Only a little.'

"Naruto, you don't need to be that close to Nia, okay?" Iruka walked up to the two after taking a walk around the area they were in, "I can watch over her from now on. You can take a break."

Naruto looked at Iruka then back at Nia, who was now visibly red.

"Actually Sensei, I was just gonna ask Nia if she could help me out with something."

"Hm? With what?"

Naruto smiled, "Something important."

Iruka stared at Naruto for a few seconds before nodding.

"Alright fine. You have permission but if anything happens, alert the rest of us, got it?"

"Promise." Naruto agreed.

He then stood and stretched his palm out to the girl sitting down.

"Come on. Believe me, this'll be worth your time, y'know?"

The kunoichi only stared at Naruto's palm. Did he want her to hold it? She looked back up at his face to see a genuine friendly smile. It was enough to make her reach out to his hand and grab it.

Naruto helped her up and still wore a grin. Nia smiled and let go of his hand. In all her life, this was the first time she's really ever touched a man's hand.

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