For Those Who Finished Light In You ❤️

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Hey everyone! Now I know it's been years since I finished Light In You (finished it June of 2018), and truth be told, I'm nearing the end of Heart In You as well. I just wanted to take this time to tell you all just how incredibly grateful I am that you all have read this book and gave it a chance to mean something in your lives.

Since 2017, I have been able to read countless messages and comments from you all telling me just how much this story, or even I, have impacted your lives. It means so much to me know I've been able to help many people keep pushing through and realizing their worth. It's always been my intention to help people, young girls especially, to know that they're beautiful despite what their outward appearance may look like. Now, there are days where even I feel like garbage cause I have been told that I'm not enough or that I am not beautiful.

However, over the years, you all have been my rock and continue to be to this day. I realize I may not update as much, or that I do not have as many readers as I once had, but despite that, I have kept it in my heart to give you the best NaruNia content I can in many ways. Some with fanart, another with edits. Some with videos, another with getting Naruto's voice actress to say in Naruto's voice that he loves Nia.

I have always kept you all in my thoughts and in my heart. You guys gave me a reason to smile and keep going. I have made plenty of friends on here and some even developed into besties.

Speaking of which, you guys may not know, but for a long while now, I hadn't been replying to people's comments as much as I used to and some even feel discouraged to do so cause they feel I won't reply to them. However, what many of you guys don't know, is that for those who comments lots, votes a lot, or even express how much my story has impacted their lives and how dearly the story means to them, well... a lot of NaruNia fans can attest to this... but I actually send those people private messages, asking if we can be friends on Instagram.

I'm ALWAYS reading your comments and they constantly put a smile on my face. I read EVERY comment, even the ones I don't reply to. You can always rest assured that your opinions and reactions have been seen cause I always care for my readers.

Now if you've finished this book, LOVE it with a passion, OBSESSED with NaruNia and WANT to be friends with me, message and or comment down below and I'll give you my Instagram.

Also, let's do something nice here... if this book has impacted you in any way, feel free to comment down below just how much it has affected you for the better. Encourage and give hope to others who have read this book.

Love you guys! Have a great day!

Love you guys! Have a great day!

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❤️ JanaeH

Light In You || Naruto Uzumaki Love Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now