Chapter 12: Give Him Back!

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Chapter 12: Give Him Back!

"So now, make sure that you're very careful with not being too wordy. Some sentences can be more simple and straight to the point." Jiraiya instructed Nia then pointed his finger at a certain line she wrote, "Like this line right here."

The line he was referring to read this:
In this world, it is very unusual to find a single living human being who has not made one mistake in regards to how they do on their missions.

"This line here, though I know what you're saying, it still can be a bit confusing to those who don't understand the meaning of a sentence this structured."

"So what should I write instead?" Nia asked.

"It should be revised like this:
Rarely do you find a human who has not made a mistake in their mission." Jiraiya said, "Of course, if you can find another way to shorten it up, that'll be fine also."

Nia nodded and scribbled down the newest advice her master had given her on her notepad. There were about several other advices that were given to her that were already written before.

As she continued her writing session with Jiraiya, Naruto was already close to falling asleep. It was about 9:30 P.M. and the genin had only stayed up as late as he did because he was thinking about the change in his chakra nature.

'Kakashi-sensei told me that cutting those leaves in half with my chakra would signify me that the physical state of it has changed but still... The new jutsu Pervy Sage helped me learn takes up so much of my chakra. If I use it, I might end up hurting myself in the process if I'm not careful.'

Naruto then flipped around in his futon and looked at the two others in the room. It seemed like they were done with what they were doing and was now talking about something else but he couldn't make out what they were discussing.

"When I used my water style jutsu on Naruto's clones the other day, it only lasted long enough until it was hit by a kunai. After that, it dispersed into water and became useless." Nia informed the sannin.

"So it didn't have enough solidity to stay up after it received damage..."

"Yeah." Nia nodded.

Jiraiya crossed his arms, "It sounds like to me you need to increase the amount of chakra you put into your jutsu so that it can stay up longer and have a better defense."

"How do I do that? It's not like I have a huge supply of chakra."

"That's true but there's training for building up your chakra, Nia. I'll show and instruct you on how to do that."

"All right."

"It's getting late now, why don't you go to bed and get a good nights sleep?" Jiraiya spoke softly.

Nia nodded and asked if he was going to bed also. The sage said that there was something he needed to do in the village they were in and was preparing to head out.

"Can I go with you?" The girl begged.

"No." Jiraiya said. He then pointed at Naruto with his thumb and whispered, "That kid over there will get lonely if he has to sleep all by himself tonight."


He then placed his large hand on top of Nia's head, "That's why I need you to stay here and keep him company."

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