Chapter 1: Nia Umino~ Fan Of Jiraiya

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A/N- Hello everyone ❤️ welcome to the very first chapter. I do so hope for you guys to enjoy this chapter and continue reading to the very end.

It's a secret fanfiction of this book, TaniaJanae923


Chapter 1: Nia Umino~ Fan Of Jiraiya

"Oh my goodness! Naruto!" A young woman fell to her knees as she had witnessed Naruto laying flat on his stomach in the middle of a hall.

The genin had appeared to either be unconscious or lifeless as it was evident he had vomited blood. The young woman turned him to his back and became horrified when she noticed the color of his face was practically drained and his lips had a purple color to them. When she opened his eyes, she threw her hand over her mouth when she saw they appeared to be bloodshot.

"Naruto!" She sobbed as she patted his face and shook him, "Naruto, wake up! WAKE UP!"

Because of his lack of response, she screamed for help as she was too much in shock to really move the guy himself. Instead, as she grabbed his hand, she noticed his fingertips were also purple. This was enough to make her realize the boy had been poisoned somehow.

His skin was warm yet she failed to notice that as she sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his jacket.

"Nooo." She whimpered as her tears soaked her chest.

A tiny lapse let her pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before she collapsed again, her howls of misery worsening.

Yamato came running out of his room and down the hall, "Whats wrong?! What's with all the commotion?!"

"N-Naruto... h-he's dead." The lady could barely make out her words as Yamato's eyes grew wide and quivered, "H-He's... been p... poisoned."

"WHAT?!" The older man came rushing to the genin and sat him up, "NARUTO?!"

Meanwhile, the pain in the kunoichi's heart came in waves, long seconds of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling him back into the outstretched arms of her grief.

"This isn't good! I think you're right!" Yamato examined the blonde as well, "He does look like he's been poisoned. HEY, WE NEED A MEDIC HERE NOW!"

At this point, multiple people had gathered around the three yet no one was specialized in medicine and thus could not help.

'Damn, the one time Sakura isn't here with us!' The brown-haired man gritted his teeth, 'Just our luck!'

Still sobbing and trembling uncontrollably, one person tried to help the lady up as her knees only gave out and she collapsed back onto the floor, weeping worse than before. She felt as though her heart was being ripped out of her chest and there was a painful lump in her throat that couldn't possible settle down or go away.

"Yamato," She looked at him with reddened eyes as he whole face looked as though it was painted with her own tears, "How could.... How could this-"

A guard came sprinting down the hall with some people as they seemed to be the medics everyone was looking for, "We're here! What happened?!"

Weakly and shakily, the girl pointed at the blonde as the medics quickly took a look at him and checked his pulse as they made a startling discovery.

"He's not breathing!" They gasped and quickly lifted him up to carry him into another room, "We need to get him to another room quick and begin working on him now!"

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