BONUS CHAPTER #34: Nia's Undying Love ❤️🥺

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A/N - Hey guys! Decided to write this bonus chapter today! I hope you like it! Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


BONUS CHAPTER #34: Nia's Undying Love ❤️🥺

"I can't get over him..." Nia breathed as she sat on a bench table with her elbow on the surface and her cheek in her palm. "I just can't..."

She watched as Naruto was training in the field.

He's literally just so perfect. Everything about him makes me crazy for him. I just think he's such a wonderful person... a wonderful guy.

She sighed.

Everytime I see his face, I just melt. When I hear his voice, I feel like I could faint. When I see his smile, I just turn into pudding. I think about this guy ALL the time, like I just can't get him out of my head. He's so perfect. Just so amazing... I'm so in love with him, I can't get over it on everything I love.

Nia kept her gaze fixated on him.

It hurts... cause he doesn't notice me, he doesn't like me, and he likes girls who are pretty and fit. A girl like me doesn't stand a chance with him, even though I love him with all my heart, with everything I have.

The girl then lowered her chin on the table.

I'm hopeless... how pathetic can I be? I'm totally in love with someone who can never love me back nor who I could be with... but even so... my heart still lingers for him. I'm still madly in love with him... I don't care if I sound creepy or obsessed. I can't control the way I feel. It's just so intense that I feel like I can burst into pieces.

Naruto summoned some clones and started sparring with them. Nia couldn't get her eyes off him.

I'm probably just staring at him like I'm some creep, but I can't help it. I'm so captivated by him... UGH! MY HEART HURTS! I WANNA BE WITH HIM SOOOOOOO DAMN BAD! UGH! It's not even about his powers or what he can do, it's just the fact that his whole being makes me swoon. Like his heart, his personality... his soul. Ugh! I'm so in love with this man! What the hell's wrong with me?! I'm so enamored with him, I feel like I could die if he so much as even LOOKED my way.

Naruto felt Nia's eyes on him, and looked in her direction. Nia timidly averted her eyes, but from the corner of it, saw as the genin smiled at her then returned to training.


Nia melted into a puddle and laid her head on the table, her heart beating almost out of her chest.

Oh god, I could die... my freaking beloved looked at me and smiled. God, I wanna just have him. I just want him to hold me and keep me in his arms. I don't want him to like another girl... I don't want him to choose another girl over me. I'll die of heartbreak.

Hearts danced over the girl's head.

My feelings for him are gonna kill me. I'm so insane for this man. If only I could hold him... if ONLY I COULD BE WITH HIM!

Nia tried to control her racing heart, but no matter what she did, nothing could work.

I just... wanna tell him how I feel. I want... to tell him how much I care, but that... might just be impossible.

Thinking this, tears surfaced in the girl's eyes.

Nothing would make me more happy than to hear him say... "Nia... I like you, too! You're beautiful. I love you." I think I would actually die if I EVER heard those words from him. My sweet Naruto... he's so... he's so... just... ugh... such a amazing person. There's... no words to describe him. I'm truly in love with this man... I don't care what anyone says or thinks. My heart is just completely for this guy. I don't even know why. I don't even think I could love anyone else: I don't know how to.

"Curly Brow!" A friendly voice called her and she lifted her head, completely melting over the fact that her crush was waving to her, a grin on his face.

Nia gazed at him intensely, a huge blush on her face.

"Y-Yes, N-Naruto?" She was nervous.

"Your protector's tired. Why don't you come be in his arms for a moment, ya know."

"Oh N-Naruto..." Nia's blush deepened at the thought of it.

"What're you waiting for, sweet Curly Brow? Come over here already."

"I... I want to, b-but-"

"But what?"

"You're drenched in sweat. Shouldn't you take a shower or something first?"

"Ah yeah," Naruto chuckled goofily. "Sorry about that. You're right. I should."

"M-Mhm," Nia's heart skipped a beat over his cute laugh.

"But promise me, you'll be in my arms right after I'm finished, okay?"

"O-Okay... I promise," Nia smiled a squirmy smile.

"Awesome..." Naruto then stared, a smile still on his features.

Nia could've sworn when she kept eye contact with him, his cheeks had flushed into that of a red color. Her eyes widened and she immediately looked down.

Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap! Was he blushing?! Was he REALLY BLUSHING JUST NOW?!

"Curly Brow..." She heard his voice again and glanced back up.


"You... stare a lot, ya know?"

"KYA!" Nia was embarrassed. "I... I... uh... I mean... it's only cause-"

"I love you..." Naruto told her, grinning before running away.

Immediately, Nia fell flat on her back. Her heart beating dramatically out of her chest and hearts flying out of her head. There was a stupid grin on her dangerously red face.

It just never gets old... even though I know he means it in a friendly way, I still completely collapse to the ground hearing those words out of his mouth.

"I love you..."  Naruto's voice echoed in her head.

I love you, I love you, I love you

Nia felt her pair of wings coming. It was official. She was blasting off into heaven.


She flipped to her back, staring into the clear blue sky. Tears brimmed her eyelashes.

"I-It's not even funny how in love I am," Nia started crying. "I'm literally helpless, hopelessly, crazy for him."

She stayed there, sobbing into her arm due to her undying feelings.

Naruto Uzumaki... I seriously love you.


A/N - That's the end of that! I just had to write this bonus chapter real quick! Please remember to leave some comments and vote and have a great rest of your day ❤️


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2. Fave Line?

3. How in love does Nia seem with Naruto?

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