"If any harm befalls my children, I will tear your guts out and feed them to you, my lord."

"You should find another chamber to sleep in tonight

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"You should find another chamber to sleep in tonight. I can't even stand to look at you right now."

"It's coming

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"It's coming. Later than you expect it to and sooner than you want it to."

"Nothing is going to harm my little girl

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"Nothing is going to harm my little girl. Nothing will even get close. You are all that matters to me. You, your brothers, your
sisters, your mother."

"Honestly, Mother! How many people have you killed?"

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"Honestly, Mother! How many people have you killed?"

"Honestly, Mother! How many people have you killed?"

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"I warned you, but you didn't listen."

"King's orders, Your Grace,"

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"King's orders, Your Grace,"

"I am the Queen and you will let me see my daughter!"

"I am the Queen and you will let me see my daughter!"

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"We'll all be together soon, I promise."


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Not what you expected but there will be an act between the one before this one (the war against Daenerys) and the one that comes after this one (the war against the dead)

Be prepared for this one! It will come with heartbreak just like the previous one. This one does not have to do with war in particular, it has more to do with difficulties that come with being the ruler of such a large nation with so many people in it and something the people will face due to the large population.

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant