North Korea/South Korea x Short!Reader: Sibling Rivalry (Requested!)

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North Korea/South Korea x Short!Reader
Sibling Rivalry

A/n: Requested by

Y/n's POV (3rd Person)

Y/n flopped down on the bed.

"You're impossible." She muttered shoving her face into a pillow.

"Oh come on y/n! Just vent it out!" Japan said encouragingly.

She groaned into her pillow.


"Okay fine!" She said, teasingly pretending to throw the pillow at Japan. "I'll tell you what's bothering me if you swear not to tell them or anyone else. Promise?"


"Okay. They won't stop fighting."

"Really? All this for that?"

"No you don't understand... they're always at it."

"Oh? How?"

"And then I was like, that's what she said!" South Korea giggled.

"You're so immature." North Korea said rolling his eyes.

"Oh come one! Don't be such a downer! Y/n thought it was funny, right?"

"Just a little." She admitted, smiling slightly.

"Just please stop being immature in front of y/n. She doesn't need you're child minded head screwing her over." North said, glaring at his twin.

"Well she doesn't want you being so sad and aggressive all the time." South retorted.

"Heyyy guyyyyss." Y/n interjected, trying to calm the boys down. "We could talk about something else..."

"You're just upset that I'm more mature than you." North shot back, not heeding y/ns advice.

"Oh yeah? Well Im older! So ha!" South taunted.

"By 3 minutes!" North yelled back.


"That's not even significant!"

"Your face isn't even significant!"

"That was real mature South!"

"You're the one yelling!"

"I don't really see the problem here y/n." Japan frowned as y/n finished explaining the fight. "It just sounds like they're being siblings."

"I mean, kind of..." She trailed off, thinking hard. "But there's more fights."

"Oh?" Japan asked, ears perking up. "Do tell."

"Ill do a water." North Korea nodded to the waiter.

"Boring." South Korea replied. "I'll do a Milkis."

"Same." Y/n nodded.

"Oh can I get two straws please.? Thanks!" South called after the waiter.

"Two?" Y/n and North Korea said simultaneously.

"It's more fun that way."

North sighed and y/n giggled softly at his response.

The waiter came back with their drinks.

"I'll be right back." They said, and left.

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