Antarctica x Reader: Oh Ms. Believer

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Antarctica x Reader
Oh Ms. Believer

A/n: I haven't posted an Antarctica fic in a few chapters so I figured it'd be good to do another one. This is another song fic! It's Oh Ms. Believer by Twenty One Pilots.

Also, it's fall here where I live and its soooo cold already. I'm not really a fan of being cold but this fic should ah.... Warm us up.

Side note: Hopefully sign language and writing should be obvious if it isn't, please let me know.

Italics- flashback
Normal- present

3rd Person POV

Oh, miss believer

"Hello? Is anyone reading me hello?"

Y/n stood shaking in the frozen wasteland, a radio in one hand and the other shoved deep into her pocket.

My pretty sleeper

She stood there, so frozen, so cold.

Suddenly, she felt someone tap her shoulder, she whirled around and was surprised to see a blue and white faced man in a large blue jacket and a pair of orange mittens.

She watched as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small note pad.

'Are you lost?'

Your twisted mind is like snow on the road

She nodded her head as much as she could. He looked her over and offered her his hand. She slipped her radio in her pocket and took it, allowing the strange being to take her away.

Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder

Y/ns knees suddenly gave out as they walked. She hugged her arms tight to her chest, tears streaming and freezing on her face from the bitter cold. She felt arms trying to pull her up.

"I-it's t-too cold... I'm sorry...." She said, looking up at him.

Inside your head than the winter of dead

She could feel herself shutting down, the could seeping into her soul. Her eyes fluttered in and out of consciousness before her whole world went black...

I will tell you I love you

Her eyes opened as she found herself on someone's couch. Was she back at the base? Had it all been a dream?

She sat up groggily, she rubbed the side of her face and looked over the couch, revealing the strange man at the kitchen.

But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears

"Uh.. ahem..." She cleared her throat, trying not to sound awkward.

He turned and faced her, a small smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. He walked over to the side table and grabbed the notebook and scribbled something.

'Oh good you're up! Are you feeling better?'

She nodded with a slight smile.

"I am now."

My nose and feet are running as we start

"Tica wait up!" She yelled laughing.

The cold country grinned, and stopped waiting for her.

"Come on y/n!" He signed playfully. "Or we're going to miss the lights!"

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