Father!America/Daughter!Hawaii x Nurse!Reader: Bring Her Back to Me

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Father!America and Daughter!Hawaii x Nurse!Reader
Bring Her Back to Me

A/n: Back at it again with some WW2 content and my first fic featuring one of the statehumans! Inspiration hit me I've the head with a brick for this one.

Also, there's not really some good content for America being a total dad to his states?? We deserve more of that.

Also, also, I headcanon that Hawaii would be only like 6 or 8 when this happened, because she's one of America's newest kids and other countries like the 13th colonies would be more like 16-18.

3rd Person POV

December 7, 1941, 7:48am (Hawaiian time)

Hawaii was running around on the beach, happily running across the sand and splashing through the waves.

She laughed and slapped a wave, scaring a small school of ahi fish.

She giggled with happiness as the warm Hawaiian sun glittered on bright blue waves.

The noise of planes suddenly entered the scene.

Hawaii, looked up and waved to them, unaware of what was about to occur.

Her scream ripped the air as a bomb hit her chest.

America sat at his desk he hardly ever used, playing with a pencil in his hand, thinking about the War.

Things were tense between him and the other countries and he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to put himself and kids in danger over something he wasn't even involved in.

He just hoped the war would blow over and life could return to normal.
His phone suddenly rang at his desk, he sighed and picked it up.

"Hello, America here what do you want?" He sighed, leaning back and spinning around I'm his office chair.

His eyes grew wide over the words that were spoken over the phone.

"WHAT?" He exclaimed, bolting up in his seat. "Is she alright? What's happening? Where is she?"

His face filled with worry as the caller relayed the information he needed.

"I'm on my way." He said, slamming the phone back down, grabbing his jacket, and rushing out of his office.

Virginia was coming around the corner and he nearly ran into her.

"What's going on Dad?" She asked, confused at his frantic nature.

"Hawaii's hurt. I need to go make sure she's okay. I need you to be in charge and stop the boys from killing each other while I'm gone okay?" He said.

"I will." She nodded.

"Thanks sweetie." He said, giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head.

He quickly rushed out the door hoping his daughter would be okay.

Y/n sat in the break room of the hospital, mindlessly picking at her food.

"Hey y/n." B/f/n said, plopping down on the seat next to her.

"Hey." She replied.

"You good? You look kinda out of it." They said, pulling out their food from their bag.

"Eh yeah..." She said. "It's just been a long day."

"Oh yeah." B/f/n chuckled slightly. "I feel that."

A doctor came rushing into the room at full speed.

"I need a nurse, pronto." He said, looking panicked.

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