40s!America x Reader: In the Mood

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40s!America x Reader
In the Mood

A/n: Wanted to do something more short and fun this time around so have some 1940's America! Because incase you haven't noticed, I really enjoy WW2 history.

This fic is inspired by "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller, one of the top hits from the 40's era of big band music. You've probably heard this song before but didn't know the name of it (but I did because I'm a band kid and we carry all musical knowledge with us).


"Y/n hurry up! We're going to be late!" Your best friend, b/f/n called through the door.

"I know just a moment!" You called back, smoothing back a stray hair from your freshly curled hair.

You quickly smoothed down a small wrinkle on your swing dress and nodding at your appearance in approval, left the room.

"You take forever to get ready y/n." She teased.

"Oh hush." You replied. "Let's just go."

The two of you left your house and began walking down the busy Manhattan streets to where the party was just a few blocks away.

"Isn't this exciting y/n?" She said, beaming at you. "Maybe you'll find yourself a man."

"Ha like that'll ever happen." You replied, rolling your eyes.

"What are you talking about?" She replied. "You look amazing! Any guy would want to go out with you!"

"Awe..." You laughed. "We'll see."

The two of you entered the door way into the dance.

"What a party!" She exclaimed. "Come on!"

The large room was filled with people. Some were jiving to the beat of the band, partners swinging while others stood and talked, laughter and smiling faces.

B/f/n grabbed your hand and lead you over to where some of your friends were.

You and b/f/n were soon giggling and talking to your friends.

"Find any cute boys yet?" B/f/n asked y/f/n.

"There's a new group over there." She shrugged pointing to a group of boys.

"They're from out of town though, might be worth a shot if you're looking for a fling though."

"Oooh perfect!" B/f/n said, grabbing your hand and walking over to the group.

"Oh.. um.. we really don't have to..." You said shyly.

She pulled you into the group of guys and was quick to make herself heard.

"Hello boys, Im b/f/n and this is my friend y/n." She said.

You could feel the guys looking you over. This is why you didn't like going out, I mean sure some of these guys were probably nice but you didn't want to be tossed from guy to guy like a ragdoll all night. One of the guys was staring at you hungerly and his eyes kept drifting to your chest.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

Your head turned to see the trumpet player speaking into the mic.

"Thanks folks for being here tonight and for having us here we really appreciate that. Anyways this next jive is for all you love bugs out there. This one should ah... get you in the mood. So grab your partner and lets get to it!"

There was a bustle of excitement from the crowd.

"Wanna dance?" One of the guys offered, unfortunately it was the one who'd been staring at you.

"Oh no thank you." You replied, backing away. "That's real nice of you but I'm alright."

"Oh come on babe." He said, grabbing your arm.

"Oh no thank you sir i-"

"Is there a problem here?" A voice from behind you said.

You felt the man let go of your arm and you turned around to find a tall red, white, and blue faced gentlemen.

"Is there?" He asked again, raising an eyebrow at the man.

"No...." He muttered, looking away.

"Good." He said, offering you his hand politely, which you took. "And don't ever let me see you grab her like that again."

"Thank you." You said quietly.

"Sure thing, doll." He replied. "Some guys are just big fat-heads."

"Yeah you're right." You giggled slightly.

"Would you like to dance?"

"Sure." You replied, blushing.

He pulled you to the dance floor and began to move you two to the beat of the music.

"Im y/n." You offered as he spun you around.

"America." He replied, grinning as he moved you back into place.

"I'm guessing you're from out of town?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Just another visiter in New York huh?" You smiled, spinning again.

"Eh... I go where I please." He shrugged, flipping you over his shoulder so you landed behind him.

You quickly brushed a stray hair behind your ear as you moved your feet back in time with the music.

"I'm guessing you won't stay long then?"

"Not unless you want me too doll." He winked. "It's not like I'm busy."

You felt a blush streak across your face.

"You aren't going to sign up to go overseas?"

"Why would I? It's not like anyone would try to bomb me with my power." He laughed.

"Yeah you're right." You laughed with him.

He gave you one last spin as the song ended.

"Thank you for dancing with me America." You said.

"Just call me Ame." He replied.

Just then, the clock chimed on the wall.

Midnight? Your parents were going to kill you if you stayed out any later.

"Y/n. Come on!" You heard b/f/n yell from the door, waving you over.

"Do you have a pen?" You asked.

He nodded and pulled one out of his pocket and handed it to you.

You quickly scribble down your number on to his hand and hand him back the pen.

"Y/n!" B/f/n yells to you again.

"I know!" You called back.

"Call me?" You asked.

He nodded.

You smiled and quickly hurried away.

Just before you exited the door, you looked behind you to see him smiling at you. He waved with one arm and cupped the side of his mouth with the other.

"Swing you later y/n!"

A/n: I'd like to use this author's note to thank the amazing, wonderful, and talented Multifandoms27! She wrote me AN AMAZING ANTARCTICA FIC THAT Y'ALL SHOULD CHECK OUT *cough*. Anyways, love you. And thank you guys so much for over 2.5k!

40's Slang Translations
Jive/jiving- dancing (typically swing)
Fat-head- idiot/stupid person

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