Poland x Reader: Safe and Sound

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Poland x Reader
Safe and Sound

A/n: Another WW2 song fic? I'm sensing a theme here... This one's Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift! I don't usually listen to her but this song is so soft and haunting I figured it'd go really nicely with this story.

Trigger Warning: WW2, concentration camps, PTSD, PTSD flashbacks, depression, thoughts of suicide, angst

Italics- flashback

Normal- present

3rd Person POV

Y/n hummed softly to the song playing over her headphones, tapping her pen against her leg. She was just finishing up some work for the E.U. Council Meeting next week. She read over the paper, now satisfied got up and left her desk heading into the kitchen for some water.

As she finished filling up her glass, she looked around the apartment for her boyfriend, Poland. She was tired from work and excited for date night.

"Poland?" She called, walking over to his bedroom and knocking on the door.

No response.

She frowned and pushed open the door.

"Oof." She muttered, as she realized Poland's body was against it. She managed to slip in, and saw Poland sitting on the floor, tears streaming down his red and white face, wrapped up in a large sweater.

"Oh Poland..." she sighed, sitting next to him on the floor, pulling him close and wrapping her arms around him.

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go

"Y-y/n..." he muttered. "Y/n it hurt so bad."

"I know Pol, I know..." she sighed, squeezing him a little tighter. She could feel the tears sliding off his face and onto her arm.

"No..." he moaned. "You have no idea... I didn't want it- i-i.."

When all those shadows almost killed your light

Poland cried out as Third Riech punched his chest, knocking the wind out of him. Poland tried to get up but just... couldn't. He watched as his oppressor walked away from him, heading straight for the gates of Auschwitz.

"Please!" He cried out. "They didn't do anything! Don't hurt them! Don't hurt me!"

I remember you said don't leave me here alone

"He k-kiled them y/n. It was my fault. I-if I'd just been stronger." He sobbed violently.

"Hey hey hey... no... sh..." You tried to comfort him. "You did all you could. Their death wasn't your fault."

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Poland just sat on his knees in the smoke and flames. He watched as the Riech burned his people. Some of them weren't even his. They'd been stolen away from other lands and brought here to die. He cried for them, horrible weeping sobs of pain as he heard them crying out.

It was too much. Too much. Too much. Too much.

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

"Too much... too much..." The red and white faced country muttered over and over again. His whole body shook violently.

She hated to see him like this. But she knew she had to be there for him.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

"Hey, shhh listen, I need you to take deep breaths, okay?" She said, gently rubbing his back.

"Deep breaths, that's good in and out...." She whispered as Poland took slow, shaky breaths.

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Y/n sighed, letting her head rest against his shoulder.

"I-i hate it y/n." He said, sounding terrified. "I can hear them. I can see them."

Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire

Poland continued to sit there feeling numb, seeing the flames dance, and feeling him die more and more inside. The country didn't get up until he was lifted up by the Soviet Union. The large country removed him from the site, confused at the situation. But he knew.

He knew exactly what was happening. What had happened. It was all his fault....

The war outside our door keeps raging on

"Y/n... people... are forgetting. They're forgetting about what happened, about me." He whispered.

"I know... I know..." she said, his voice his made her want to cry. She held back the tears that were pricking her eyes.

"Will you forget?" He asked, looking up at her.

Hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone, gone

Y/n looked up at the large Soviet Union.

"Ready?" He responded bluntly. "He doesn't like me, for good reason. Maybe you can speak with him."

Y/n nodded as he pushed open the door, her eyes grew wide with shock.

Poland sat there on the floor, a thin blanket wrapped around his shoulders, his whole body covered in marks and bandages.

"Hello Poland." She said softly, approaching him and kneeling down to his level.

"I'm y/n, I'm here to help you."

"Help?" He rasped, looking at her with a broken expression.

"Yes." She smiled, taking his hand. "Help."

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

"I promised I'd help you back then didn't I?" She replied. "I won't forget that and I won't forget you."

Poland looked her over and then took a deep, shaking breath.

"I-im sorry y/n." He said. "I-i didn't mean to break down like this."

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

"Hey it's okay-" she started.

"No it's not, it happened a long time ago and-" his eyes went wide, and he put his head in his hand. "We were supposed to have a date night."

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

"And we still can." She smiled, shifting and getting up, pulling him up with her.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie." She said, wrapping her arm around his waist and guiding him to the couch. They held each other close as y/n turned on his favorite movie.

Just close your eyes, you'll be alright

Y/n glanced over at her partner and smiled as she realized he'd fallen asleep.

"I love you ..." she whispered, kissing his cheek. "You're safe now."

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

A/n: thanks all for 500+ reads!! Special announcement coming in the next part!

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