Canada x Reader: Come From Away

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Canada x Reader 
Come From Away

A/n: Posting two days in a row because I have so much time on my hands. This oneshot is a little confusing if you don't know what's going on so please read the background context. 

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: This oneshot takes place on 9/11 in Newfoundland, Canada. On 9/11 hundreds of planes were rerouted and forced to land. 38 planes were sent to the town of Gander in Newfoundland on 9/11 and the townspeople welcomed them and took them in during the tragedy. This oneshot is based off the musical, Come From Away, which is based off the true stories of this event. 

Trigger Warning: 9/11, mentions of death, drinking/alcohol.

Italics- flashback

Normal- present


  "Hello this is your Captain speaking I'm going to need you all to remain calm, there's been an announcement and we need to land immediately. I apologise for the inconvenience and ask you all to please remain calm. Thank you." 

  Y/n stood in line, waiting for your turn to hear from the outside world, just like everyone else. Ever since they'd landed in Gander, Newfoundland, you'd wanted to call your family or friends or just someone.

  As you waited, you could hear the voices of desperate people trying to get a hold of their loved ones and the newscasters on the TV. 

  The atmosphere was tense, full of fear, and sickening to be in. 


  You blinked back into reality and took the phone from the woman in front of her. Now who were you going to call? 
Your hands shook as you punched in the number, she couldn't call her family, they'd be freaking out too much, so you decided to call your best friend.

  "Hey b/f/n it's y/n…." You said. 

  "Y/n" You heard them say in surprise. "Y/n, are you okay?" 

  "Yeah… i-im fine…" You replied, your voice breaking slightly. "How's everyone else?" 

  "Well my fiance- i mean, your sister is having a slight break down and you parents are worried, but other then that we're all glad you're safe." 

  "Yeah…" You sighed. "Same." 

  There was a slight pause.

  "Who were the pilots?" You asked, breaking the silence. 

  Your heart pounded in her chest as he listed the names. 

  "W-wait…" You choked. "John? Are you sure…" (a/n: John Ogonowski was the pilot in the plane that crashed into the twin towers)


  "I should go. Thank you, b/f/n, for everything." 

  You hung up the phone and quickly left the building. You didn't know where you was going but you knew you had to get away. 

  You walked for about half an hour, thoughts racing until you came to a small cliff overlooking a small waterfall. 

  You sat down on the ledge and just started to cry. You was tired, physically, emotionally and mentally. You had just lost a good friend, hadn't slept in days, was gross, and just couldn't cope. A small sob escaped your lips. 

  "Are you alright?"

  Your head whipped around in surprise. 

  The man standing in front of you had a red and white striped face with a red leaf on it. He wore a black and red flannel, covered by a brown jacket with jeans and a fur cap. 

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