Russia x Americas Sister!Reader: Freedoms Little Sister (Requested!)

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Russia x Americas Sister!Reader
Freedoms Little Sister

A/n: Request for Mercurygi!

Russia's POV (3rd Person)

Y/n L/n. America's little sister. Everyone knew her, she was kind and fun and was friends with almost everyone she met.

And everyone knew she was completely. Off. Limits.

Russia had been head over heels for her for forever. But he'd watch as other countries would try to get close to her and America would just step in and shut them down.

He sat at the meeting, ignoring America give another big speech on why he was clearly the most important person in the room and chose to let his eyes wander to y/n instead.

She was just so beautiful. The way her h/c hair framed her face, her dewy skin looked as soft as freshly fallen snow and her smile was the most precious thing he'd ever witnessed.

As the meeting ended, he spotted Italy, one of her friends, talking to her excitedly. As he passed by the two of them he overheard part of their conversation.

"Exactly!" Y/n exclaimed, grinning.

Italy nodded, smiling back.

Russia spotted America walking towards him out of the corner of his eye.

'Well this should end well...' He thought sarcastically, slowing his pace.

"Yeah we should go see it sometime! It'd be fun to hang out just the two of us." Italy piped up.

"Definitely!" She replied, looking excited.

His heart skipped a beat at how cute she was.

"Oh definitely not!" America interrupted, stepping in between the two of them.

Russia stopped to watch what was going to happen next, although he had a pretty good idea of what was about to go down.

"Ame!" Y/n said in exasperation.

"What? You think you can just ask my little sister out on a date like that?" He frowned at Italy, who backed away.

"N-no!" He replied. "We just wanted to hang out."

"Ame, were just friends." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "He's not my type anyways."

"I'm not?" Italy said, looking slightly disappointed."I-i mean of course I'm not!"

Russia chuckled softly to himself at the sight.

"See y/n?" Ame said, pointing to Italy. "Exactly what I've been talking about. Let's go."

Russia watched as they left, wishing that pesky country could just let y/n have some freedom, then he might have some sort of chance with her.

He watched as she glanced behind her and caught his eyes. She gave him a small smile when she noticed him looking.

He gave her a small wave and she waved back before Ame noticed and slapped her hand down, looking behind him and glaring at Russia.

He didn't care, she'd acknowledged him, and that was all he needed.

Russia walked through the isles of the grocery store, looking for the alcohol.

He turned the corner and spotted someone very familiar in the produce section. It was y/n. He felt his breath hitch as she walked near him, not noticing him at all.

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