USSR x Short!Male!Reader: Your New Neighbor (Requested!)

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USSR x Short!Male!Reader
Your New Neighbor

A/n: Thanks KittyKuteAnima223! for requesting my first male!Reader fic!

A male x male fic is something I've been thinking about doing for a while but just never really had the push to do until now!

Y/n's POV (3rd Person)

Y/n hummed softly and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove down the street.

He was moving into his new house today and was excited at the prospect of starting over. Yeah sure, moving could be tough but he was finally out of his parents' house. He was an adult, he could take care of himself anyways.

Many people had warned him that moving to Russia was a terrible idea, but he figured most of their claims were misguided.

He pulled into the snowy driveway of his new house and got out of the car. He looked at his new house and a small sense of pride welled up in him. He was a man. He had this in the bag.

His house was the last one on the street, meaning he only had one neighbor. His neighbors house was large and beautiful. Probably someone important lived there.

He wondered if he'd meet them soon...

It had been two weeks since he'd moved in and no sign of his neighbor, until that night.

Y/n had been at work all day. He had worked overtime to cover some shifts and was exhausted. He drove home as fast as he could, ready to crash. He struggled to stay awake at the wheel, his eyes fluttered open and closed. He was so tired... maybe if he just rested... just for a moment...


His car spun as he hit something, he felt himself being banged around the driver's seat. He held his breath until the car finally stopped.

Russia's POV (3rd Person)

He sat at his desk, swearing at the stupidity of his work. He was so busy and tired all the time. He leaned back in his seat, and looked out the window. He saw the (f/c) car rolling down the road. His new neighbor. He sighed and went back to his work, glaring at the papers in front of him.


A loud crash from outside made him jump up from his seat and rush out the door. He shoved the front door open and pulled his gun from his pocket.
He saw the broken mailbox and the wrecked car a few feet away.

"Ты шутишь, что ли..." He muttered, walking towards the damaged car.
He peered inside the car and his heart stopped. There was a very attractive and slightly beat up man inside. He took a deep breath and managed to get the door open, he pulled the man out as carefully as he could and carried him in his arms bridal style back up to his house.

Y/n's POV (3rd Person)

Y/n groaned as he woke up, his head was throbbing as he blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. He slowly sat up and looked at his hands and body, which had been cleaned up and bandaged.

He looked around the room and realized he had no idea where he was.
He pulled himself from the large and fluffy bed and slowly walked to the door. He walked through the halls of the large house and peeked in every room, trying to find who ever lived here.

He finally found the kitchen and that's when he saw him, finishing up making some food. He had a red face and a small hammer and sickle above his eye and he was hot.

"Uh...." Was all that y/n could manage.

"You hit my mailbox last night." He said bluntly.

"I hit you... oh shoot." He mentally slapped himself.

"You're lucky you only suffered minor injuries."

"Yeah.." he nodded rubbing the bandage under his shirt. Wait.... Not his shirt.

"I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n." He blurted out, trying not to blush.

"Soviet Union. Or USSR." He replied.

"I'm your uh.. neighbor by the way."

"I know."

"Sorry I didn't say hi before, I just... never saw you around I guess." He said, feeling slightly bad.

"It's alright. I'm not always the most social." He replied. "Now eat."

He pushed a plate of eggs and porridge at him and nodded to it.

"Oh wow thanks. You really didn't have to."

The country sat next to him and they ate in silence.

"Thank you again for everything, but I should probably leave now. I don't want to overstay." He laughed nervously.

"You may say as long as you'd like." He replied, clearing his dishes.

"No no. It's alright. I have work that I need to get done. Ahhh... I don't have a car now." He groaned.

"You can borrow one of mine."

"What? No. You've already done enough. I can find one."

"Borrow one." He repeated.

"Okay... if you're sure... " He said hesitantly.

"I am."

"Well this was really nice of you, but I do need to get home." He said, standing up.

"I'll show you out." He nodded.

The two walked out of the kitchen and to the front door.

"I'm really sorry about the mailbox, I'll get you a new one as soon as I can."

"It's alright." He said, waving away the question. "I can get a new one. You're not the first one to hit my mailbox."

They stepped out into the snowy world outside and y/n shivered from the cold.

"Did you make him breakfast too?" He teased.

"No. I shot him. "You're lucky you are attractive."

"Uh.." Y/n laughed.

He honestly couldn't tell if he was joking. He felt a large brown coat put around his shoulders.

"Huh?" He looked at it in surprise.

"You're small and cold, да?"

"But aren't you going to want it?"

"You can give it back next time."

"Next time..." He murmured, feeling a burst of excitement well up in his chest.

"I'll see you soon." He nodded, reatreting into his house and closing the door.

There was a pause of silence outside the house.

"Yes!" Y/n grinned, pumping his fist the air.

A/n: Look for a lot more requested chapters coming up soon! I'm kinda swamped to be honest, but I will get them done as soon as I can!


Ты шутишь, что ли?- Are you kidding me? (Russian)

да- Yes (Russian)

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