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"so. you're going to prom with a girl."

beomgyu hummed in response, giving taehyun his coffee cup. the younger thanked him and held the cup in his hand. "yeah. considering that i've completely fallen in love with my best friend, it actually kinda feels weird. i really wanted to take you."

taehyun chuckled and looked forward at the city. "no. i don't like crowds."

beomgyu hummed softly. "i know."

taehyun smiled softly, resting his head on his open palm as his elbow was on the railing of his balcony. "it's been a while since we stood here together. under the stars, actually being mature and just… speaking what's on our minds."

"this is where mature beomgyu comes in," the older smiled. he stepped sideways so that he was against his boyfriend. "do you think we can have a life together after school? you and i, and our pet dog in an apartment in hongdae. or in myeongdong. if we're rich enough, then in gangnam."

taehyun put his head on beomgyu's shoulder. "hongdae."

beomgyu chuckled. "i was thinking the same thing." they were silent for a bit before beomgyu began humming softly. he was muttering lyrics to a tune taehyun vaguely recognized. he smiled and he remembered the song and began singing the song softly.

"i didn't know you like airman," taehyun mumbled with a smile after they finished singing together.

"i like that one song because of you," beomgyu replied with a slight laugh. "it intrigued me. it was soft and sweet. and your voice is beautiful."

taehyun lifted his head and faced beomgyu. "do you really think so?"

"absolutely," beomgyu nodded. "you're honestly so talented, baby."

taehyun looked at beomgyu for a second before he put his coffee down on the table behind him and beomgyu did the same. taehyun nervously took beomgyu's hands in his own, and it made beomgyu slightly nervous. "hyung, i… i want to come out. with you. as dating you. god, i'm bad at explaining. i just want to tell everyone that we're dating. i can't just keep it back anymore — i want t—"

beomgyu stopped taehyun by putting their lips together in a soft kiss. taehyun relaxed immediately and kissed him back, feeling beomgyu's hands go to his waist and grab gently to pull him closer. their kiss became deeper and they both tilted simultaneously to gain more access. taehyun's arms went to beomgyu's neck as they kissed passionately, not giving a damn about anyone who would notice.

taehyun pulled away first, and beomgyu pulled him back to kiss him one last time before allowing him to breathe. the younger's chest was heaving with slight excitement and beomgyu smiled at the sight. "me too."

taehyun pulled his arms from beomgyu's neck and rested his hands on his chest. "are you sure? we can just let it be eventual."

the slightly taller male shook his head. "no. let's be open. let's be a couple. i'm not straight. i'm gay — bisexual? — and dating my best friend. there. that's what we tell everyone."

taehyun chuckled, putting a soft kiss to beomgyu's lips. "you're an idiot. a handsome idiot. a thoughtful idiot. a giant idiot as well. but most of all—" he kissed him again, lingering a bit longer than usual. "—you're my idiot."

and that was their love story.

the story of two best friends that found love with one another.

against all odds, they fell in love.

and jiyeong?

well, she fell in love as well.

with another character you know too well.

[ end. ]

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