twenty eight

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"so no one else knows that you're dating kang taehyun now?"

beomgyu shook his head quickly. "i don't think so. taehyun and i aren't very open at school. we sit on opposite sides of the bench and talk like normal friends, but we still have that… that look. you know? the look of two people in love. so i wouldn't know if people figured it out."

jiyeong hummed softly. "i think you should take him to prom as your date."

beomgyu chuckled. "he won't."

"but why~?" jiyeong exclaimed in a complaining tone. "you two are so cute together. besides, i kind of feel guilty taking someone else's boyfriend to prom."

"don't feel guilty," beomgyu smiled. "i have admired you for a long time, and at some point, i was sure i was in love with you. but…"

she smiled. "you were in love with your best friend the whole time and you were trying to ignore it by convincing yourself that you loved me."

"gosh, i'm an open book, aren't i?" beomgyu laughed slightly, earning a nod from jiyeong. "but you always gave off that aura of 'perfect' and i liked 'perfect'. i kind of just… admired you. never really in love with you."

"i find it cute that you like your best friend," she grinned, nudging him with her elbow. "and he's prettier than me too! at least we know you like pretty boys."

"it's my first time liking a guy, so i don't know my preference for males yet," beomgyu said. "but i just know that i really like kang taehyun. he's my number one, i'm his number one. it's always been like that."

jiyeong raised a curious eyebrow and tilted her head. "your number one? what does that mean?"

beomgyu smiled softly as he prepared to explain. "years ago, taehyun and i became friends. he was feeling… broken. insecure. chronically sad. i was always there for him, and he was always there for me. we only had each other for a long time — the rest of the world didn't matter. so we were each other's number one — the first person to be there when the other is going through a rough patch."

jiyeong smiled softly. "that's beautiful."

"it's stuck with us for years," beomgyu smiled. "other than that, i want to come out. i want everyone to know that kang taehyun is mine — that we belong to each other. i want him to know that i love him with all my heart first, though. but i don't know how to tell him."

jiyeong thought for a moment before gasping. "sing for him."


"sing him a song!" jiyeong grinned. "you can sing, right? and you mentioned that he likes singing. so sing him a song!"

beomgyu chewed his bottom lip nervously. "i could never sing to him. i'm really hecking shy."

"we can practice together," jiyeong grinned widely, earning a sigh from beomgyu. "come on, it won't be that bad. you just need to do it before prom next week."

"nah — taehyun sings a lot by himself anyways. oh — thanks for reminding me. i was actually supposed to discuss what colour your dress is, so that i can get a corresponding tie colour."

"salmon pink."

"p… pink?"

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