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"okay, i'll admit — this wasn't too bad."

eric smiled softly as he sipped from his milkshake. "well… i really wanted to impress you on our first date, and you said you weren't one for crowds — i knew you'd like this more."

taehyun tilted his head with a soft laugh. "and i do like it! thank you so much, eric."

eric shook his head. "no problem. i'm supposed to treat you special anyways. besides, i'm proud to be seen with such a pretty boy."

taehyun giggled and hit eric's arm. "i'm not pretty, jeez. don't call me pretty, or i'll snap your neck, but revive you because you're very handsome."

eric put a hand on his chest. "i'm… mildly complimented. wow."

taehyun drank from his milkshake. "but you are very handsome, hyung. i'm surprised that you had the guts to actually ask me out, by the way. you were just so stuttery and adorable, i just couldn't resist. you're just adorable."

eric laughed and covered his face. "i'm not, but okay. i don't try to be adorable — it just comes out when i'm with you."

taehyun rested his head on his hands and smiled. "eric, have you ever dated another guy? or liked another guy?"

eric widened his eyes. "o-oh. uhm… kind of. i did date another boy for almost a year behind closed doors, but he broke up with me because he thought that i was a coward. because i was scared to come out. so i came out, lost some friends, gained some new, and went on with my life. and i had a crush on choi chanhee for, like, two days but then i got over it. i just thought he looked pretty. but then i saw you, and… i fell in love. i felt like a creep looking at you almost all year. heejun teased me about my crush on you, and kinda pushed me to talk to you, so i did. and here we are."

taehyun hummed and tilted his head. "oh, you fell in love? with me?"

eric blushed softly and nodded. "yeah. i liked you for so long, i was sure i was in love." he smiled and looked into taehyun's eyes. "what about you? did you ever like someone else before?"

taehyun nodded fearlessly. "i even dated another guy. choi yeonjun, who's dating choi soobin right now. it wasn't for too long, because beomgyu didn't like him, so we broke up. and i'll admit it — i did fall for beomgyu at some point, but i ignored it, figuring that it was just puberty hitting and i'd naturally start to like my extremely handsome best friend. it worked, and i forgot about my feelings for him."

eric looked away for a moment. "beomgyu is a tough contender — he's definitely more handsome than me."

"you're both handsome," taehyun said passively so that he didn't have to choose a side. "and i don't like him like that anymore."

eric smiled gently. "good, because i wouldn't want to lose any chance of getting you to fall in love with me."

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