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beomgyu was busy making up the bed when he heard music playing downstairs. he paid no mind to it for a moment — even if he preferred american music more, he found himself enjoying the soft piano of the song. the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't figure out how. he then remembered that he had listened to the song with taehyun before. the younger had a more gentle taste in music than most.

but then he heard another voice — a much closer, more natural voice. taehyun was singing along to the song. beomgyu listened for a bit — he was singing for a bit, and his voice was heavenly. beomgyu smiled as he listened closely to taehyun's rather high voice. it was beautiful to hear so clearly.

beomgyu went to the railing by the staircase and peeked over, watching as taehyun sang along to the song gently, not even noticing beomgyu's presence. he stopped singing as the gentle rap neared, but started up again as the chorus started. beomgyu watched with a soft expression — he felt that he was allowed to, now that he was open about his recent feelings towards his best friend.

"your voice is beautiful."

taehyun jumped slightly at the sound of beomgyu's voice, causing him to drop the pillow he was fluffing. taehyun glared at him and returned to fixing up the couch. "go away, weirdo."

beomgyu began descending the stairs and walked to taehyun, standing a bit taller than him. "so what song was this?"

taehyun walked to another couch and fixed the pillows. "5tar by a.c.e."

"sounds good," beomgyu hummed, looking at the bluetooth speaker below the tv. "sounds kinda sad. the lyrics are… depressing."

"it's about dealing with depression," taehyun replied, "and i need all the help i can get before… i… yeah."

beomgyu hummed softly. "yeah. can't have a repeat of that. but, hey…" he stopped taehyun and took his wrist, holding it gently. he put his left hand on taehyun's cheek and stroked gently with his thumb. "you're more than enough. you may insult me a lot, make fun of my romantic cowardice, call me pathetic — but you're still perfect to me. you don't need to go outside and be out there to be happy. you don't have to prove happiness to anyone to be happy. my voice will always be here to reassure you. i know you you better than anyone. i know your coping methods aren't the best — honestly, that sob session you had earlier in the week was the best way of dealing with that stress."

"it wasn't a sob session."

"bear with me, i didn't understand at the time," beomgyu said quickly. "besides that, i'm here to convince you that life is worth it. you're here for a reason, and that reason is to discover happiness, discover your purpose. even if you don't find a purpose, i'll make one for you — your default purpose is to find happiness with me — and beat me at siege once in a while."

taehyun smiled softly and put his hand on the one on his cheek. "i knew you'd be a better boyfriend than eric."

beomgyu's smile fell. "what are you gonna do about him?"

"never mind him," taehyun said softly. "just tell me one thing, beomgyu — do… do you still have… f-feelings for jiyeong noona?"

beomgyu was quiet for a bit, which made taehyun fear the worst. "i… i might. but not enough to confess. not as much as i like you. ultimately, i love you. even if it wasn't for long, i'm pretty sure i really like you. like, a lot. so don't stress about her."

taehyun didn't know if he should be relieved or not.

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