twenty nine

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two days passed, and beomgyu had been spending a rather large portion of his time with jiyeong. he had apologized multiple times to his boyfriend, explaining that they were just sorting out the details and arrangements for the prom the next week. taehyun thankfully understood that it was important and had to be discussed anyways.

they were walking home together this particular afternoon. they walked beside one another with a comfortable distance between them, but beomgyu found the distance a bit wide. he stepped closer to taehyun and tried grabbing taehyun's hand, but the boy moved his hand to fix his bag strap.

beomgyu glared and tried again. this time, taehyun began swinging his arms by his sides, humming a tune to himself. beomgyu bit his lips together, trying to grab the younger's hand, but he was failing miserably.

taehyun suddenly giggled. "you're pathetic."

"you're doing this on purpose," beomgyu said in mock anger. he grabbed taehyun's arm to stop the motion and grabbed the younger's hand with his own. taehyun blushed a bit — they hadn't really held hands since they decided to date.

"beomgyu, what if someone is looking?" taehyun mumbled, looking around frantically. "what if one of the guys you hang out with sees you holding hands with me—?"

"hey. you of all people should know that i have, like, 4 friends — including you," beomgyu scoffed. "and if they can accept you, then they can accept me."

taehyun's cheeks were bright red. "yeah, but… hyung—"

"don't you want to hold my hand?" beomgyu asked quickly. "i want to hold hands with you. i want people to know that i'm dating you. who wouldn't be proud of dating the prettiest boy in the entire school? i know i'd be proud."

taehyun looked away shyly. "i'm not that pretty, but okay…"

beomgyu smiled, putting a soft kiss on taehyun's forehead. "you'll always be the prettiest to me."

taehyun smiled in return. "and you'll always be the ugliest."

"okay, i just wanted some cute back-and-forth complimenting here, mate, and i get the most blatant insult i've ever heard in my 18 years old living."

taehyun couldn't help but burst out laughing as he continued walking.

"no, listen here. don't walk away from me, mister. i just wanted a 'oh, you'll always be handsome to me, hyung', but no, i get a whole 'ugly bitch' vibe and you walk off, cackling like the maniacal witch you are." taehyun still laughed as beomgyu ranted on. "no, mate, i'm actually fuming right now. don't laugh at me."

taehyun started wheezing, and that's when beomgyu started laughing as well. taehyun was almost on the ground as he laughed, but he put his body against a tree to support himself as he laughed.

"grasp your air," beomgyu laughed out. "you're fucking wheezing, tae. grasp your air, what the h—"

"shut up before i die of an asthma attack," taehyun wheezed, hitting his hand on beomgyu's back. he burst out laughing again, which made beomgyu start cackling as well. "why are your rants so funny, beom? you literally sound like a suburban cat about to start a fight."

"that's because i am one!"

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