twenty one

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taehyun stared at beomgyu nervously. the older's eyes flickered to different areas on taehyun's face, eventually landing on his lips. his heart was pounding in his chest. this was his best friend. his best friend that he had started to crush on. he thought he was afraid of losing taehyun, but he was actually the deepest form of jealousy — it scared him to think of it.

with shaky movements, taehyun closed his eyes and put his lips to beomgyu's to kick-start the session. beomgyu gripped taehyun's waist with one hand as the other cupped his cheek. the kiss lasted a bit before beomgyu made it deeper. beomgyu moved his fingers to the back of taehyun's neck and the younger gasped slightly.

they continued, however — each kiss became deeper than the last. beomgyu's hands began wandering — his fingers found taehyun's jacket zip and he pulled it down. he pulled away, placing a soft kiss on taehyun's jawline before continuing to kiss his lips hotly.

they shared a flurry of passionate kisses, pulling away immediately after each kiss. some lasted longer than others, but beomgyu actually focused on getting taehyun's jacket off. taehyun noticed this and shrugged it off effortlessly. he settled on beomgyu's lap again and connected their lips quickly.

"god, you're so pretty…"

taehyun pulled away after a bit, his cheeks dusting pink. beomgyu smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. taehyun put his head on beomgyu's shoulder. "stop saying embarrassing stuff like that."

"every time i compliment you, you say it's embarrassing," beomgyu chuckled. "i'm just being a good boyfriend. also, i realized something."

taehyun sat up. "what?"

beomgyu put his hands on taehyun's waist. "i actually got jealous every time you dated someone. i thought it was, like, parental instinct or something, but i was so deep in jealousy, i just thought i was scared of losing you to some guy that might be better than me."

taehyun smiled. "no one is better than you."

beomgyu moved forward and gently placed a kiss on taehyun's lips. "i know."

and they kissed again, with more comfort than before. taehyun didn't mind that beomgyu's hands wandered once in a while, but he was still a bit nervous. he flinched slightly every time beomgyu touched him, but relaxed almost immediately.


beomgyu pulled away, his eyes drifting to taehyun's slightly parted lips. "mhm?"

"are we a thing?" taehyun asked softly. "we've always been… best friends. but what are we now? are we dating? or…?"

"do you want to date?" beomgyu asked, taking taehyun off his lap and letting the boy sit beside him. "because i want to date you. it'll be a little weird, since everyone who knows me thinks i like jiyeong, but… i like you. i never thought i'd fall for my best friend, really. and honestly, it was the best decision i have made in a while."

taehyun chuckled. "and you make bad decisions every day."

beomgyu smiled softly. "so — is this our first day?"

taehyun laughed a bit. "yeah — it's our first day."

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