twenty five

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so they broke up.

with no particular regrets. they agreed on it both, and eric ended up losing the dare in the end. but he was okay with that — they both ended up a bit happier than what they were before. taehyun more relieved, because he was worried that he'd be unable to break up with eric while dating beomgyu, which would've resulted in some trouble.

but when taehyun went out the school building to meet up with beomgyu, he wasn't there. he looked around in confusion and took out his phone. the last message from beomgyu said that he would be at the school entrance — but he wasn't there.

then taehyun's eyes landed on jiyeong. beside her stood beomgyu. he was talking to her. he had a smile on his face. taehyun smiled a bit — he was being brave. that was a start, because beomgyu was cowardly with girls. she seemed to nod enthusiastically and beomgyu smiled even brighter. they hugged one another, which made taehyun frown. beomgyu bowed to her before leaving with a wave from his hands.

he walked towards taehyun with a grin on his lips. taehyun smiled just because beomgyu was smiling. beomgyu grinned widely and took taehyun's hand as soon as he reached him. "success."

taehyun raised an eyebrow. "huh?"

"she agreed to be my prom partner — don't worry, i told her that i was dating you. and i told her that i used to like her, so yes — i kind of confessed. now stop calling me pathetic."

taehyun smiled and put a hand on beomgyu's cheek. "i'm proud of you, okay? but you're still pathetic in general, not just with jiyeong. but well done, you got a prom partner."

"still prefer that it be you," beomgyu said softly. "also, good job with eric. poor guy is gonna suffer now, though."

"he said he'll be fine," taehyun shrugged as they finally started their journey home. "eric wouldn't lie to me, now would he?"

beomgyu chuckled, trying to balance on the side of the pavement. "yeah, he wouldn't. what are we gonna tell mrs kang?"

taehyun was quiet for a moment. "tell her after prom."

"why after?" beomgyu asked, stopping his balancing act after almost falling.

"so that she'll think you still like jiyeong."

"wait, she knows i like jiyeong?!"

"the only person that didn't know you liked jiyeong was jiyeong noona herself."

beomgyu was more than ecstatic to know that mrs kang wasn't home that afternoon, so he happily invited himself into the house. taehyun rolled his eyes — he probably wanted to play rainbow six siege again. he followed beomgyu in, who had just dropped his bag and ran to the bathroom, and closed the door behind himself. he walked to his bedroom and put his backpack down.

"dongpyo wanted to come study," taehyun muttered softly to himself as he unlocked his phone, "but now beom is here. who do i turn down…?"

"dongpyo's cute, so i'll let it slide."

taehyun jumped slightly, looking at beomgyu, eho now stood at the entrance of his bedroom. "you scared me."

beomgyu tilted his head. "you can study, you know. i'll let you have an afternoon to yourself — with dongpyo, of course. but i want a kiss."

"no, you weirdo," taehyun grimaced, putting his phone down. he squeaked when beomgyu grabbed his waist, causing him to try and escape the older's grip. they ended up on the bed in a very questionable position quickly, but it was forgotten when beomgyu placed their lips together in a soft kiss.

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