"I think AT3 is looking for her. They want her back." Yoongi sat back and crossed his legs, satisfied with his own work.

"Which means maybe I'm not a sleeper after all." Tears welled up in my eyes, but I shoved them down along with the tightness in the back of my throat. I had been so worried that I was some ticking time bomb that would eventually turn on the guys when they were least expecting it.

"I can't explain your memories, but I think you were naked because you wanted to be. I think you ran away and were doing everything in your power to keep them from finding you." Yoongi's voice was softer, gentler. He knew how much I had worried about that even if I hadn't said it in so many words. I nodded and bit my lip, wanting desperately to believe him.

"So what are we supposed to do with this information," Namjoon asked.

"The shareholders of AT3 are going to be having a big event at the private estate of Baron DuChamp in a couple weeks I've tried to hack into their files, but they're bulletproof, much like our Morgan, it seems." My heart did a little flip at him calling me 'our Morgan'. "DuChamp keeps all of his records on his personal computer at his estate, so the only way to find out what they know about her is to go straight to the source."

"Wait," Jimin said, holding his hand up and blinking a few thousand times, "you want us to break into the private estate of the most powerful man in the city? Do you even know what kind of security he's packing on that compound?"


Jimin stared up at the mint-haired hacker like he was waiting for him to elaborate, but Yoongi never did. He just stared down at the younger man, unamused. After a few moments, Jimin shrugged his shoulder and relaxed onto his hands behind him. "Okay. Sounds like fun."

I looked between the two of them like they were crazy. I knew next to nothing about what went on in the city, but even I had heard about the "Bloody Baron". His hands weren't dirty on their own, but that didn't mean there wasn't a river of blood flowing at his feet. I looked back at Jin, hoping for a voice of reason.

"Jin, you can't let them do this."

His full lips were hanging open as he sat there in stunned silence. But then, to my horror, the corner of his lip started to turn up into a smile. "It's crazy, but we might actually be able to pull this off."

I jumped up, throwing my hands in the air. "You can't be serious! Have you all lost your fucking minds?"

"What do you think, Kook," Jin asked like I wasn't even having a panic attack in front of him. I whirled around to watch Jungkook's expression, but I should have known he'd agree. He'd been itching for a fight for weeks.

"Let's get it. I want to know what this fucker knows so we can figure out how to protect ourselves from him."

"You've all lost your damn minds!" I was pacing back and forth in front of the sliding glass doors like a trapped animal as I wracked my brain for a way to convince them not to do something so stupid. When someone came up behind me and wrapped their hands around my shoulders, I was so tightly wound I nearly jumped out of my skin. I jerked around and came face-to-face with Taehyung.

"Look, you're one of us now." His voice was low and serious. "You're part of our family. We'd do anything to protect our family. Which means we'll do anything to protect you."

My eyes were searching his, moving back and forth rapidly as I tried to think of a way to change his mind. They were going to get themselves killed for me and I was not worth that. I reached up and put my hands on either side of his painfully beautiful face. "I'm not going to let you die for me."

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