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Hiko's pov

After the mission to the land of waves everything went back to normal. All the relationships that had developed while we were there had disappeared as if they had never existed. Naruto and Sasuke went from friends to hating Each other just like they did when we first became teammates. Sakura had went back to calling me tomato and I had went back to being indifferent.

We had finished doing missions for the day so I had decided to do some grocery shopping. I had bought about a weeks worth of food and I was trying to find Naruto so he could help me put everything away.

As I was walking I bumped into a blond girl and dropped my bags spilling my stuff everywhere.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologised.

"It's fine." The blond girl said.

"Here." A red headed boy said as sand picked my stuff up and put it back in the bags.

"Thank you." I said as I picked up the bags. "By the looks of your headbands you're from the sand village, are the chūnin exams happening so soon?"

"Yeah, you're A lot smarter than the other genin we ran into." A boy with purple face paint.

"Was he blond, obnoxious and wearing orange?" I asked and he nodded. "That's my twin brother and that's who I'm looking for."

"Then continue the way you're going and turn right." The blond girl said.

"Okay, thanks." I said before walking past them.

Time skip

It was the next morning and Naruto and I were at the meeting spot at the designated time.

"Ugh! Why? Why? Why? Its always the same, he sets the time and then we have to wait hours for him!" Sakura complained.

"Its not fair!" Naruto agreed.

"What about my feelings!? I rushed here so fast I didn't even have time to blow dry my hair!" Sakura ranted.

"And I didn't even have enough time to brush my teeth or change my underwear!" Naruto said.

"You didn't? That's really disgusting Naruto." Sakura said.

"Can you two quit complaining, you're driving me insane." I said.

"You're just mad cause you're lazy and your rather be asleep you rotten tomato." Sakura said.

"Hey, good morning everyone, sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life." Kakashi~sensei said as he appeared in front of us.

"You liar!" Sakura and Naruto yelled.

"I know this is a bit sudden but I recommended you all for the chūnin exams, these are the application forms." Kakashi~sensei said.

"Application forms?" Sakura repeated.

"You're repeating me sakura." Kakashi~sensei said. "This is all voluntary, its up to each of you, if you don't feel ready you can wait till next year."

"Alright! Kakashi~sensei, you rock!" Naruto cheered.

"Whoever wants to take the exams sign the application form and come to room 301 at the academy, its at 3pm five days from now, that's it." Kakashi~sensei said.

"Chūnin exams! Chūnin exams!" Naruto cheered.

Time skip

The same day as we got the forms I decided to go for a nap in the fields. I had woken up to the sound of someone rustling in the bushes.

"Who's there?" I asked lazily without opening my eyes.

I didn't get an and were and decided that was a bit suspicious so I substituted out of there and hid in a tree with my chakra concealed.

I watched as someone approached what they assumed was me, they held a kunai to my substitution's throat and I set my plan into action. I made three shadow clones that all charged at him at the same time, they managed to pin him down without much problem. I approached the man and smiled when I saw his shocked face.

"Hey Iruka~Sensei, what's with the attacking me all of a sudden?" I asked.

"H-How did you?" Iruka~Sensei asked.

"I'm good with chakra, you should Renee that for next time." I said. "Please don't tell me you're gonna do this every chūnin exam, I'm too lazy to deal with this."

"You caught me, I just wanted to make sure you were ready." Iruka~Sensei said.

"I get that you're worried but you really don't need to be." I said before clicking my fingers and having all my clones disappear.

Iruka~Sensei gave me a quick smile before he shunshind away.

"If I need to do anything else today I'll cry." I said to myself before lying back down and going back to sleep.

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