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Hiko's pov

Not long after Konkuro sent Omoi, Sai and Zaji to ambush a nearby enemy unit we ourselves were attacked. I recognised two of our four opponents, Chiyo from the sand and Hanzo the salamander. We decided engaging them wasn't the best idea and made a request for backup before trying to retreat with the captured Deidara. Konkuro explained while we were running that Sasori had disappeared like Shin had.

"Someone is preforming a jutsu." I warned.

"Can't you just seal them?" Ittan asked.

"Afraid not, they're moving around too much for that." I replied.

We were suddenly hit by a poison fog. Every one of us collapsed to the ground, falling from the trees, coughing and spluttering from the poison.

I rolled onto my back trying to hold my breath to avoid taking in any more poison. Moving would circulate the poison quicker but there wasn't really an option there, if I didn't move I'd be killed. Then again, I was going numb.

I felt a large group approaching us, I could tell they weren't shinobi by how little chakra they had. I tried to look for them but I couldn't move enough to see anything.

"Here, put this on." A samurai said as he stood over me, placing a mask over my face. "It'll block out the poison."

"Thank you." I muttered.

"We need to get them to the medical core, they need an antidote." A different samurai said.

"Konkuro." I called as someone picked me up.

"Hiko, what's wrong? Help is here." Konkuro said.

"There's a sensor hiding somewhere, watching. I can feel them... they're likely feeding information back to Kabuto. They haven't... engaged despite being in both battles." I explained. "Be careful."

"I will, get better quick. I'm without a unit now." Konkuro said.

"You just miss the power trip." I joked and he chuckled.

Time skip

Being at a medical camp gave me a chance to actually get some sleep. I had pulled so many all nighters getting ready for the war that I was already exhausted coming into it. Lady Tsunade was a real slave driver.

"How are you feeling?" Shizune asked as she came into the tent I was sharing with my fellow ambush squad members.

"A lot better thanks to you and Sakura." I said.

"Yeah, that antidote worked a treat." Kiri said.

"Bet Konkuro misses us, he can't go making inspirational speeches without us." I said.

"You'd just boo him off the stage again." Hoheto said making us all laugh.

"Someone needs to tell him when he's boring. Wouldn't want our own captain to kill us with his nonsense." I said.

"It seems you're all in good spirits." Shizune said.

"We're all out of the woods and well rested for tomorrow's battle, I see no reason to mope." Ittan said.

"At the end of this our whole unit should go out for a celebratory lunch. You guys are the type of people I like having around." Tango said.

"It's on our Captain." I volunteered.

"Poor Captain Konkuro." Hoheto said. "What do you have against him?"

"Nothing, he's the annoying little brother of my closest female friend. I'm practically his second sister, he whines about it all the time too." I said with a giggle.

"Who's breaking it to him that Hiko's volunteered him as our personal bank?" Kiri asked.

"Not me!" I said. "And since I'm not doing it I'm going on a trip to annoy Sakura before I go to bed. It'll be long time before I get to annoy her again."

I hurried out, the boys protesting and Shizune laughing at my antics. At the end of the day I was the sister of the number one knucklehead ninja, I knew how to have fun. I made my way to tent number three where sakura told me she'd be if I needed her.

"Hey Sakura, I'm back on my feet again. I thought you'd want to know." I said as I entered the tent.

"That's great news, I guess you'll be going back out tomorrow then." Sakura said.

"Afraid so." I said. "Hey Neji, it's been a while. How's the battle going?"

"Alright I suppose." Neji replied

"Good, how are the others? You're with Hinata, Shino and Kiba aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, they're all alright. Tired but alright." Neji replied and I smiled. "How is commanding going? Shouldn't you be with your unit?"

I froze for a second, I wasn't in a position of power at all. I had no command over anything in this war. Neji knows that, he was my go between during the preparations stage and was there when I was given my assignment. I looked to Sakura and she nodded, we were both in agreement that this wasn't Neji despite it feeling like him and we were both in agreement that we needed to play along.

"My whole unit is out right now. They poisoned the majority of us and those that weren't poisoned were sent to join another unit. I'm just glad my brother avoided the poison, he was smart enough to lead the remaining members of the unit until they could regroup." I said.

"That is fortunate. Your brother Is incredibly gifted with strategy, it's lucky he was there." Neji said as he reached behind him for something.

Sakura then swung at him, sending him full force into the ground and pinning him down.

"How?" He asked.

"Naruto can't even make instant ramen on his own nevermind lead a unit, he's the biggest idiot around. Besides, he's not taking part in the war at all." Sakura said.

"That and the real Neji was there when I got my assignment, he knows I don't have my own unit." I said.

"Can you go get Shizune for me?" Sakura asked.

"Sure, just don't have too much fun beating this guy up without me." I said giving her a half hearted wave before I headed back to my tent to get Shizune.

This new guy was going to be a pain in my ass. If there were more like him then my sensory abilities would be useless and any chances of trust and team work would fall apart. Hopefully we could deal with this quickly.

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