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Hiko's pov

After we took of for the sand village we ran into Temari. She must have only left earlier in the day after working on chunin exam preparations.

"Temari!" I called, jumping down from the trees to hug my female best friend.

"Hiko! I didn't even know you were due back or I would have stuck around." Temari said as she hugged me back. "Although by the looks of it you're already off on your next mission."

"I'm so sorry Temari." I said as I tightened my grip on her.

"Hey, why are you sorry? You only hug me this tight when you're about to cry." Temari said. "Did you break the fan I gave you or something? I can get you a new one."

I really didn't want to be the one to break the news, Temari and I had been close for years, pretty much from the moment we met. She was the first girl I had ever gotten on well with and our relationship had become that of sisters. This news would break her but she needed to know.

"Gaara was taken by the Akatsuki." I said causing the girl to freeze.

"Gaara!? You mean he's been..." Temari said shocked before hugging me back just as tightly.

"We're two and a half days away from the sand, we should hurry." Kakashi~Sensei said.

"Right." Temari said.

"Let's try and speed this up if we can, I want to get there as soon as possible." I said.

"Yeah, Gaara needs us." Naruto said.

Time skip

It was getting darker and Naruto and I had insisted that we didn't stop for a break. We were hoping to cut down the travel time and get to Gaara quickly. The longer we took the less likely we were to get Gaara back alive.

"Naruto will you slow down already, quit getting ahead of us." Sakura said.

"I can't take it anymore! I know why they're after Gaara and me, it's not like it's a secret or anything! You know too, don't you?" Naruto said. "There's no point hiding it, the spirit of the 9 tailed fox is sealed away inside of me. Gaara and I are the same, we both have monsters locked up inside of us,nthats what these bastards are after and that's the worst part about it! To them we're just monsters, all those bastards see is a means to an end! Everything about us was exactly the same and he had to fend for himself a lot longer than I ever did and now he's a target of the Akatsuki! One more thing we have in common. Why should his life be so full of misery all of the time? Why is it always him? That's why I've gotta hurry! I don't have a second to waste! This time will be different, I'm gonna save him!"

Time skip

It took us longer to get there than we hoped as we got caught in a sand storm as soon as we hit the desert. The storms were one thing I didn't miss about my stay here.

"We've been expecting you." A guard said.

"Lady Temari you were with them?" A different guard said.

"Please, this way." The first guard said.

We all hurried into the village and took off running through the streets. As we ran they explained that Konkuro had also been hurt in the attack.

"What!? They got Konkuro as well!?" Temari exclaimed.

"Yes, when the enemy took Lord Kazekage konkuro wend after him by himself." A guard said. "He was poisoned and we haven't been able to counteract it. He won't last much longer."

"That idiot, he should have known better." I said. "Sakura, please tell me you know something about poison."

"I'll take a look at him." Sakura said.

As soon as we got to the hospital Temari took the lead, Sakura and being close behind her.

"Konkuro!" Temari and I exclaimed as we burst into the room.

"Damn you! Get ready to defend yourself or die!" An old lady yelled as she charged at Kakashi~Sensei. "Revenge at last!"

Naruto created a clone and quickly jumped in to defend Kakashi~Sensei.

"What do you think you're doing attacking Kakashi~Sensei like that you wrinkly old prune?!" Naruto said.

"I haven't forgotten what you did. I've waited for this day, white fang of the leaf, I'll wreak vengeance on you for what you did to my son." The old lads said.

"No, you see, I not-" Kakashi~Sensei was cut off.

"That's enough talk!" The old lady said.

"Take a closer look at the man sis, it's true that there's a resemblance but this one is not the white fang." An old man said. "Besides, as you know the white fang of the leaf died long ago. Remember? When you heard the news you wept in frustration because it meant you'd never have your vengeance. Isn't that so sis?"

"Oh well, nevermind." The old lady said.

Everything was stopped when Konkuro screamed in pain.

"Konkuro." Baki muttered.

"Here, let me have a look at him." Sakura said as she tied up her hair.

"Yes, please." Temari said.

"He'll be okay Temari, Sakura will help him." I said, grabbing her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Listen, it might help if you all clear out and give us some room." Sakura said.

"You got it Sakura." Naruto said.

Everyone else left except Temari, sakura, the medics and myself. I couldn't have left if I wanted too, Temari had a death grip on my hand.

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