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Hiko's pov

Explosion after explosion went off as Naruto fired off multiple rasenshuriken. A white creature began emerging from Kaguya where her arm had been sliced off and white hands shot out in all directions. One of the hands made contact with one of Naruto's clones and completely absorbed it.

The hands began shooting towards me and I turned for my fan only to see I didn't have it. I must have dropped it somewhere.

"Wind style: whirlwind fist!" I said, using the jutsu to sever the hand trying to get me. "I'll deal with the hands Naruto, you focus in sealing Kaguya!"

Naruto nodded and turned back to fight while I began chasing a hand that seemed to be pursuing something. With the use of another whirlwind fist I severed the arm before it could grab Sakura.

"You okay?" I asked Sakura as I landed beside her.

"Yeah." Sakura replied.

"Ready to kick some ass?" I asked.

"Always." Sakura said.

The two of us high fived before taking off after two different hands. I weaved hand seals as I ran, a small wind dragon forming behind me.

"Wind style: Wind dragon." I said.

Once the dragon was fully formed it shot forward, slicing off another hand. It didn't have to go far for the next one as another arm shot towards me. My dragon blocked the hand, it's fingers being sliced off when it made contact with my dragon. I flipped backwards out of the way before hearing a scream.

"Sakura!" Naruto exclaimed.

I turned to see Sakura about to be grabbed when a Susanoo jumped in to save her. Unlike Sasuke's this one was blue.

"Kakashi~Sensei." I muttered as I spotted the man inside the susanoo.

I was suddenly thrown back by strong winds, my wind dragon having dispersed. The jutsu had protected me from an approaching hand while I was distracted. The remaining hands all shot towards me at once, leaving me with nowhere to go to dodge. Kakashi~Sensei didn't let them touch me though, using a combination of kamui and shuriken to destroy the hands.

I was then picked up by the susanoo and placed inside it with Kakashi~Sensei and Sakura. Of course things can never go our way and so as soon as I was off the ground streams of chakra began coming through it. A large black orb began forming, even bigger than a planet.

"I've got a plan, this is going to be our very last mission as team 7." Kakashi~Sensei before explaining his idea. "Let's go, we're saving the world."

"Yeah!" Naruto said.

"Roger that." Sakura said.

"I'm gonna need at least a 48 hour nap after this." I said.

"Always the same." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"What are the chances of sealing sasuke away with Kaguya?" I joked before getting whacked on the head by Sakura.

"Not the time!" Sakura said.

Sasuke and Naruto then took off to start the plan and Kaguya went straight for us. She fire three ash bones which pierced the susanoo and seemingly Kakashi~Sensei as he left the susanoo with a black chidori. He cut Kaguya with it and she began. Naruto posing as sasuke and a clone dived for Kaguya and she turned the clone to dust, she then tried to get Naruto but Kakashi~Sensei used kamui to get rid of her ash bone.

Sasuke switched in with the ashes of Naruto's clone and Kaguya attempted to escape. She tried flying upwards but sakura and I jumped in. Sakura punched her full force towards the ground. As I fell past Kaguya I wrapped her in chakra chains, pinning her arms to her side and preventing her from trying to kill any of us.

"Six paths planetary devastation." Naruto and Sasuke said, sealing her away.

The black mass began crumbling away as the ground was pulled up towards her. The tailed beasts were set free from her body and she began turning into a husk of the ten tails.

I landed on the ground and winced, that was definitely gonna bruise. At least now it was over. We could all go home, burry our dead and go back to some semblance of normal.

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