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Hiko's pov

Once everyone had gotten away from the area the enemy reached throught the water barrier and grabbed me by the neck like it was nothing.

I began kicking and grabbing at the enemy's arm trying to break myself free. I gasped for air but I couldn't breathe. I bit my thumb, making a handseal, summoning the eight ninja hounds.

"You called pu-" Akino cut himself off when he saw me struggling. "Attack!"

All of the dogs jumped on the enemy biting and pulling on him until he dropped me. I coughed, spluttered and gasped for air as soon as I was released.

"You okay Hiko?" Pakkun asked.

"Yeah, I fine." I said. "Do you guys mind being my teammates for this one?"

"Of course, anything you need." Akino said.

"The plan is just to keep up the assault until I get an opening to seal him away. Think you can do that?" I asked.

"You got it." Pakkun said.

The ninja hounds all rushed the enemy, continuing to bite, scratch and pull on him.

"Shadow clone jutsu." I said, creating 10 clones of myself and having them charge at the enemy with the ninja hounds.

I dropped to my knees, forcing a chakra chains from my back. As usual it was a struggle but I needed to seal this man before he could hurt my village.

"I'm giving you one last chance, tell me where Naruto Uzumaki is or I'll kill you." The man said.

"Then you can kill me. I am a leaf shinobi and I will die for my village, my ideals and my goals. More importantly I am Hiko Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki's Sister and I will not allow you to harm my brother. Destroy this whole village if you must but not a single soul will give him up." I said. "We have something that you cannot destroy no matter how hard you try. We have the will of fire and you will learn to fear it."

I pulled a scroll from my inside pocket, the only ninja tool I had on me. I summoned the tool, a giant fan gifted to me by Temari. I preferred not to use it but it made my wind style three times stronger than normal.

"Get ready to ride the wind guys, we're going for an areal assault." I said as all of my clones also summoned a fan.

"Wind style: casting net!" Myself and the clones exclaimed, swiping the fans to create multiple nets of violent wind. All of these nets picked up the Ninja hounds, sending them up into the air without injury.

The multiple jutsus collided, exploding in a huge blast of wind and destroying nearby buildings and dispelling my clones. The force pushed me back as well and pieces of the man blasted everywhere.

"Crane Wing formation!" Pakkun said.

As the dog plummeted to the ground they latched onto the man, holding him down and forcing him flat on the ground. My chakra chain then split and sped forwards, wrapping around the man being pinned to the ground.

"Good work guys, you're always the best. Now time to seal him away." I said as I began making hand seals.

Suddenly the man exploded and the eight ninja hounds disappeared. I screamed as the explosion threw me back into a pile of rubble.

"Shit. Wind style: great slashing tornado!" I said, swinging the fan again, causing a huge tornado to form.

I collapsed forwards ontop of my fan in exhaustion, I had reached my limit when it came to chakra. The enemy pulled his body back together like he was a puppet and then completely dodged the tornado. I struggled to my feet and decided to move on to plan b, lure him away from the village.

I began running towards the outer walls of the village, the enemy following after me. I let out a scream of pain as some kind of weapon hit my left leg. I stumbled but continued running, guiding him closer to the village outskirts. An explosion went off right behind me, causing me to faceplant into the ground. I struggled to try and get back up but I was kicked in the side, sending me skidding across the ground.

The man stood over me, a sick grin on his face. He pulled a long metal rod from his sleeve and then stabbed it through the center of my chest. I felt him retreating back into the village after that and I just looked at the clouds above me. More than anything now, I wished I was a cloud.

Shikamaru's pov

After a huge attack from Pein everyone was buried under rubble, the only thing protecting us being Katsuyu.

"What's that?" Shiho asked.

"What's what?" I asked.

"That red thing?" Shiho asked, pointing to some rubble.

I spotted what appeared to be bright red hair and struggled over. My leg felt broken but there was a chance that Hiko was under there and needed help. I tried pulling the rubble off but I couldn't move.

"Dad, help!" I called.

My father came over in no real hurry and helped me remove the pieces of broken buildings from the pile. When they were all moved Hiko was revealed, impaled by a metal rod. She was bleeding heavily and her skin was chalk white.

"Hiko! Hiko, can you hear me!?" I asked urgently.

"Shi... ka... maru..." Hiko said weakly, opening her eyes to look at me.

The lights in her eyes were dull and she appeared to be looking right through me.

"Katsuyu, she's hurt." I said. "Hang in there Hiko."

"I'm... a terrible... jonin. I coul... dn't... even take... down one..." Hiko struggled out. "Now... he'll..."

"He'll what?" Dad asked.

"Pro... tect Naruto...  for...." Hiko struggled before coughing up blood. "Me..."

Katsuyu had started trying to heal Hiko but I already knew it was too late. I grabbed her hand, rubbing my thumb along her wrist more to sooth me than her but hopefully it brought her some comfort.

"I will, I promise. I'll be there for him through everything just like you wanted to be. You troublesome woman, making me do all the work, and they call me lazy." I said, a weak smile tugging on her lips.

"The... clo...ouds are... so... bea..." Hiko trailed off, taking her last breath.

The lights in her eyes completely died out as her eyes stared at the clouds unseeing. I looked up and sure enough the clouds were beautiful, the way the sun came through them seemed almost godly. Tears welled in my eyes and my dad put a hand on my shoulder.

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