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Hiko's pov

Sakura ended up surgically removing the poison from Konkuro's body which took him out of any immediate danger. Temari and I couldn't have been more relieved. Sakura left right after she finished the go and work on an antidote.

"Konkuro, are you alright?" Temari asked as Konkuro regained consciousness.

"Temari, you're back already." Konkuro said weakly.

"I heard the village was in trouble." Temari said.

"She wasn't the only one either, you almost gave us a heart attack." I said.

"Hiko, I'm sorry to be such a bother." Konkuro said.

"Shut up, don't be ridiculous." Temari said.

"We're just relieved that you're okay." I said. "You're gonna lead us to an early grave."

"I swear, you're as bad as Temari." Konkuro said letting out a weak chuckle. "You'd think you were my sister."

"It's not her fault it takes two to tame your stupidity, I mean, what were you thinking going after them on your own?" Temari said.

"Sorry." Konkuro said.

"You better be, I've never seen Temari so panicked in my life." I said, crossing my arms.

"I was panicked? You almost cried." Temari pointed out.

"Shhhh! You weren't supposed to tell anyone." I said making konkuro cough up a laugh.

"Can younlead me to where Konkuro's fight with the Akatsuki took place?" Kakashi~Sensei asked Baki, earning a confused look. "I'm known for having a pretty good nose for tracking, if even the slightest trace of their scent remains on the scene-"

"There's no need for that." Konkuro said before struggling to sit up. "Where are my puppets, I assume my puppets were retrieved, right?"

Time skip

Baki and I went to the old storage room in the hospital to retrieve Konkuro's puppets which had been flung in there until Konkuro could get help. We carried the puppets back to the hospital room for Konkuro, seeing as he needed them for something.

"One fought with me while the other carried Gaara away. You might be able to follow Gaara's scent but you can definitely track the one I fought. I made sure of it. See, I've got his scent right here." Konkuro said before pointing to a cloth in his puppet's hand. "The last thing I did was make sure I got a scrap of his clothing."

"Even in defeat you went down fighting, just what I'd expected from a sand Shinobi." Kakashi~Sensei said as he took the cloth.

Konkuro smiled but then groaned innpain, grabbing at his chest.

"Konkuro, what is it?" Temari asked worried.

"Do you need me to go get Sakura again?" I asked.

Konkuro didn't reply, he just stared at Naruto.

"Yes, he came all the way from the leaf village to help us." Temari explained.

"Hey there." Naruto said.

"I see." Konkuro said.

"Summoning jutsu." Kakashi~Sensei said, placing a cut hand to the ground to summon a pack of dogs.

"At your service, 8 ninja hounds." Pakkun said.

"Hey Pakkun!" Naruto said.

"Is that you Naruto? Long time no see!" Pakkun said.

"You haven't changed a bit." Naruto said.

"You haven't either." Pakkun said.

"What are you talking about? I'm a lot taller for one thing." Naruto said.

"Hey Akino." I said, waving at the summoning dog.

Akino waved back and I smiled. I had signed a summoning contract with all of the Ninja hounds after Kakashi~Sensei suggested it. Naruto and Sakura had contracts with their teachers' summons so it only made sense that I did too. Akino was my personal favourite of the hounds and often the one I summoned on jobs as opposed to Pakkun.

"Alright, alright, let's skip the reunion. I need you guys to get on this right away." Kakashi~Sensei said as he held the cloth out to them. "Find out which way he went, okay? Go on."

"We'll let you know when we find something." Pakkun said before all of the dogs took off.

"They won't let us down." Naruto said. "Okay, we move out as soon as Pakkun and his possy get back. I say we start getting ready."

"Not so fast Naruto." Kakashi~Sensei said.

"Konkuro." The old lady said as her and the old man entered the room.

"Lady Chiyo and Lord Ebizō, you're here?" Konkuro asked.

"There's something we must know and only you can tell us. Am I correct in assuming one of your opponents, the one you fought with was Sasori?" The old lady, Chiyo asked.

"Well, speak up Konkuro." The old man, Ebizō said.

"Yes, Sasori of the read sand, he told me so himself." Konkuro said.

"Sasori of the red sand huh? I have a feeling you know something about these Akatsuki. Will you tell us?" Kakashi~Sensei asked.

Konkuro let out another groan of pain and I glanced to Temari.

"I'm going to go and see where we're at with the antidote." I said and Temari nodded before I left for the greenhouse.

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