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Hiko's pov

Because Ino forced me to go to bed really early I woke up really early. Naruto had already left on a mission by the time I woke up which gave me time to prepare for my new team. I made lunches for everyone and then dropped by Kakashi~Sensei's bells before heading to my usual training ground.

"Hiko! What are you doing here?" Toka asked excitedly as she waved at me, her and the boys approaching me.

"Just waiting, what brings you guys to my training ground?" I asked although I already knew the answer.

"We're to meet our new Sensei here." Akira replied.

"I hope they're nice." Toka said.

"Well about that, I'm actually your new Sensei." I said.

"Are you sure you have time? I've heard you're important." Itona said.

"Who's been telling lies now? I'm not important, I just run around after the Hokage." I said. "Now, let's start off with some introductions."

"But you already know us." Akira pointed out.

"I know your names but I want to know more, what are your dreams, your hobbies, what do you not like." I said.

"Can you start Hiko~Sensei? We want to know more about you too." Toka said.

"Alright, My name is Hiko Uzumaki and I'm 18. I like my friends and my brother and I also really like anything with pumpkin in it. I don't like people who are annoying or yell a lot and I hate being a burden and not being able to help. My hobbies are cloud gazing and playing shogi. My dream, well, I guess my dream is to make a world where shinobi aren't needed anymore. One that is truly peaceful so that I don't have to worry about my loved ones." I introduced. "Now you go Toka."

"My name is Toka Maehara and I'm 12. I like my god Jashin and cake and the kids we used to live with. I hate when it rains and I hate spicy food too, most of all I hate Hidan. My hobbies are praying and dancing. My dream for the future is to save kids that are like we were." Toka introduced.

"Good, Akira." I said.

"My name is Akira Hara, I'm 13. I like fashion and Ramen and spending time with these two. I don't like the cold or when Toka sings." Akira began, getting slapped by Toka for his comment. "My hobbies are taking care of Toka and sewing. My dream is to buy my own house."

"That's a good dream, I haven't even gotten around to that yet. Itona, you're up next." I said.

"My name is just Itona, I don't have a last name, at least not one I can remember. I'm 15. I don't really have any preferences although I guess skipping stones is kind of fun. My hobby is training and my dream is to become a great ninja and pay back this village for taking us in." Itona introduced.

"Well, you're all unique and have your own ideas. All of your goals are good things for us to work towards together. Now it's time for your first mission." I said.

"Oh yeah! Let's do this!" Toka cheered.

"Already? We haven't even done any training." Akira said worried.

"Relax, our first mission is a training exercise." I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the bells I borrowed. "The exercise is simple, you have until noon to get these bells from me. If you fail to get a bell by the end of the exercise you'll be tied to one of these posts and go without lunch. Don't worry though, you'll get to watch me eat my lunch."

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