𝕀𝕘𝕟𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜 🦋

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Billies POV

"I've done this prank before on Cierra but it kinda ended with me and her ya know"

Brandon: "BRO WE GET IT"

* laugh *

"Well today I'm doing it again with Danielle, Brandon and the bell twins"

"We've all decided to have a sleepover at our place tonight so basically the whole night we're just not gonna even acknowledge Cierra, and I promise you guys that it won't end with you know what... * smirk *

Isaac: * gag noise *

"Oh shut up you just need to find yourself a girl cuz you lonely AF"

That shut him up

"Dani doesn't know what's going down yet because she's with Cierra so when she gets here Elijah tell her what's going down"

He nodded in response

"Okay I guess we just wait"

2 hours later

Brandon: "Damn y'all took for ever"

Elijah: "yo Dani I gotta talk to you for a minute"

Dani followed Elijah upstairs.

"Yeah what's up"

"All of us is doin a prank on Cierra were all gonna ignore her all night to see what happens"

"Okay bet, but just a little note every since I've been out with Cierra she's been in a mood not like a bad mood but like a sad one, ngl I'm gonna feel real bad that we're doin this but as long as it wasn't my idea I'm down"

"Damn well billies real committed to this so I guess we're just gonna have to go with it"


Dani and Elijah walk down stairs, Billie looks at both of them.

They both shake there head.

20 minutes later

Cierra's POV

"Billie...can I talk to you"

"Umm hello"

Billie wasn't answering me...I'm really not in the mood for another one of, these  pranks.

"Come on dude seriously"

I didn't even care, I got off the couch and walked up stairs, I'm really not in the mood.

Billie: "Bro she didn't even care, what's up with her"

Dani: "idk she's been in a mood all day"

Brandon: "I low key feel bad she's like a little sister to me, seeing her sad just makes everything suck"

"Guys it wouldn't be much of a prank if we ended it now, just keep playing along she'll get annoyed at some point"

Brandon: "okayyy but if she gets like really upset I'm calling it off"

Isaac: "bro you've gone soft"

"Yeah I have and I'm not afraid to admit it"

"Damn bro you sure your not in a mood to"

"He pushed my shoulder"

Elijah: "so how are we gonna get her to come down stairs."

Billie: "I'll go up there and grab a hoodie or something and see if she says anything"


I walk upstairs to grab a hoodie, but before I'm about to walk into the bedroom I hear faint crying.

"I opened I bedroom door and I see Cierra with her head in her hands"

"OMG Billie just leave me alone seriously, I'm really not in the mood today"

I got up and left, it probably wasn't the best idea but I didn't wanna make her more upset, I didn't know what was wrong, I had an idea but I hoped I was wrong

Brandon: "what happened, were's the hoodie"

"she yelled at me to leave her alone, she was also crying, I didn't wanna make it worse so I left"

Brandon: "damn she was crying WTH"

Dani: "don't you guys-

Dani stopped talking because we all heard someone coming down stairs.

Cierra: "don't worry I'm just coming down to get something then I'll leave u alone"

She walked into the kitchen

Elijah: "guys her eyes are red and puffy"

Isaac: "I kinda wanna call it off"

Cierra: "Guys I'm not only crying because of this stupid prank, I'm upset because I HAVE DEPRESSION and when I walked in here I asked to talk to my girlfriend but she ignored me, so keep doing whatever to doing I'll be upstairs"

Cierra walked up stairs and everyone looked at me like i'm the bad guy.

"Okay I know this is my fault but do y'all have to look at me like that"

Everyone: "YES"

"God damn okay I'll go talk to her"


I walk upstairs and see Cierra curled up in a ball on the bed.

"Hi" I said I'm a low voice.

"Oh so it talks"

"Baby I'm really sorry yes it was a prank it's been so long since I did one, and Dani told me that you've been upset all day I should've called it off but I didn't because I'm dumb"

"Your not dumb baby I'm just annoyed that you knew that I was upset and I asked you if I could talk to you but you just ignored me, your the only person I trust with my feelings, and I felt like I didn't have you to talk to which hurt more"

I pulled Cierra into a hug and laid down with her.

"I'm sorry luv I didn't mean for it to turn out this way"

"I love you"

"I love you too" *kisses*

"You wanna go downstairs and hangout With us"

"I guess so hopefully it'll make me less upset"

"Why are u upset, what happened"

"I got my meds for my depression and there fucking me up I feel more depressed then I ever have before"

"Aww baby, come on hopefully hanging with people who LOVEEEE you will make u feel better"


Me and Cierra walked downstairs to were everyone is.

Brandon: "you good"

"I will be"

Dani: "come on let's go do something"

All night everyone watched movies together and played games.


Word count 945

Ily 🦋

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